Rob Zombie on American Idol:


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May 20, 2006
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Oceanside, CA. USA
I'm not a big Rob Zombie fan.... In fact I'm not a fan at all.

But I know that younger people probably like him, dig his shit or whatever.

But when I saw this little news article featuring comments by Rob Zombie regarding Adam Lambert, I had to cut it out and paste it here... Rob (quite succinctly) assesses the American Idol phenomenon in a nutshell and makes some very astute observations regarding what's it or what (just) shit on the entire subject of talent vs: star- particularly with respect to American Idol, Adam Lambert etc.

Here's what He said:

"I'm sure Adam can f--king sing 10 times better than Mick Jagger, but who gives a s--t," Zombie told me the other day. "He ain't f--king Mick Jagger. You know what I mean? There are probably a million guitar players in the world better than Keith Richards, but they ain't f--king Keith Richards!"

No surprise, but Zombie doesn't exactly tune in to American Idol...

"I'm not a big fan of the thought that you can become a star by winning a contest," he said. "I'm sort of old-fashioned?I think people need to get out there and they need to work and they need to do their music because they love it."

"If they become successful, then great, and if they are not, whatever?that's the way the chips may fall. I just get disgusted watching people crying that it should have been them, that they're a star, that they're special," he added. "You know what? F--k you!"

Pretty right-on .....

Mr. Cummings is correct. He doesn't hold back much either... on anything. :D He is a talented musician/mixer/composer.... I like some of his stuff. :eek:
I have never watched Idol - and never will! :thumpdown: :shot: :stupid: :puke: :thefinger: :eviltongue: :threaddie:
Demon 8 said:
Love Rob but for whatever reason I actually like Idol

Right with you on that demon.I dont know why but I am hooked on that chit!! Gay as hell but that som bitch adam can sing.:D :D :D :D
GILMO'S10 said:
Right with you on that demon.I dont know why but I am hooked on that chit!! Gay as hell but that som bitch adam can sing.:D :D :D :D

I have a feeling we are already labeled brother. I agree the show is gay as hell at moments but some of these people have shown they have skills. Daughtry, C Underwood and K Clarkson at least were no jokes.
As a former bar rocker with nearly 1000 gigs under my belt I agree with Rob that going out there, honing your craft and earning your right to success is the "real" way to make it. But.... Idol is a freaking machine, a fast track to success and exposure. If your a good enough singer then I say, go for it. Daughtry, David Cook and Adam all have been in the game for years with little success. Idol was the vehicle that gave them a fast track opportunity. Talent rises to the top IMO.

In case you didnt know, Daughtry wrote or co-wrote nearly every song on his album. The dude is fo real!! And its not about whom is a better singer player or whatever in the real world. Its about whether you can perform original music that moves people. You can go out to clubs and see guys performing insanely in most towns every weekend. They can play circles around the guys on the radio......but it doesnt matter. You need talent, but luck and exposure play a huge roll.
