Save The Whale

Scotty is building a tank of transparent aluminum as we speak/"text" and will beam it up a.s.a.p.
That was a great Star Trek movie ,,,, Save the whales and save the earth
Hey, speaking of removing battery cables on our trucks and touching them together...
The first few times I fired up my truck this year, it needed a bit of throttle to keep it running. Hmmmmmm...
Stale fuel? Nope
I know, I'll reinstall the tune and try it. Well, that didn't help.
What did help (again and many times prior): Take both main cables off the battery and touch them together for a few seconds.
This time I heard a "click".
Anyway, all is well again. I'm assuming the I.A.C. was stuck in some kind of winter slumber mode.
Thats it for a double-hoe.
Back to saving Gracey...
Yes that would definitely obliterate it!!
Just don’t do it like the vid above and blow it up on the beach .. can you imagine the stink that caused … at least in the ocean all the other fishy’s can eat Sushi
Hey, speaking of removing battery cables on our trucks and touching them together...
The first few times I fired up my truck this year, it needed a bit of throttle to keep it running. Hmmmmmm...
Stale fuel? Nope
I know, I'll reinstall the tune and try it. Well, that didn't help.
What did help (again and many times prior): Take both main cables off the battery and touch them together for a few seconds.
This time I heard a "click".
Anyway, all is well again. I'm assuming the I.A.C. was stuck in some kind of winter slumber mode.
Thats it for a double-hoe.
Back to saving Gracey...
Glad you didn't shoot yer eye out!! Hahahaha!!

Gracey! I like it !
Hey, speaking of removing battery cables on our trucks and touching them together...
The first few times I fired up my truck this year, it needed a bit of throttle to keep it running. Hmmmmmm...
Stale fuel? Nope
I know, I'll reinstall the tune and try it. Well, that didn't help.
What did help (again and many times prior): Take both main cables off the battery and touch them together for a few seconds.
This time I heard a "click".
Anyway, all is well again. I'm assuming the I.A.C. was stuck in some kind of winter slumber mode.
Thats it for a double-hoe.
Back to saving Gracey...
I may have to try that as a regular seasonal maintenance technique…
Last DVD I watched with my Dad was - Best of the Mopars ....

Only my Dad understood my sickness hahahaha!
Good idea but it's not working!!!
When the enterprise returns for its 5 year mission to discover far away worlds and galaxies then and only then will they save the whales
Yes, I've even replaced (several) throttle position sensors and the ecu still stays in dumb-ass mode "thinking" the faulty one is still online.
Cable trick to the rescue!!
That is a great fix and I know you've recommended that before throughout the years! Hopefully people remember :cool: