Saw a cop get shot today.

Heading towards summit racing equipment, I was just driving along. There is a pontiac G8 pulled over by a state trooper. As I'm about 10 cars back, I hear the bang and the trooper falls into the closest lane of traffic. I immediately start stopping. The trooper gets up, and starts slowly walking to his cruiser while on his radio. The G8 takes off down the road. Seeing that the officer was well off enough to get to his car, I took off after the G8. I called into 911 while following the car. In the next 2 minutes, I had the lead officer on the phone. Over the next 15 minutes, I covered over 30 miles, burned over 8 gallons of fuel, and averaged a speed of 120, and up to the 140's at some points, while trying to relay where we were(on snow tires rated for only 100 mph!). At this point, after bottoming BadVic out over multiple expansion joints at triple digit speeds (while the G8 was falling apart), I started seeing marked State Trooper Charger units in the mirror. When they finally caught up after roughly 20 minutes from the start, I simply pulled off to the side of the road to leave the rest to the professionals. 10 minutes later, down the road, the G8 was in the median with at least a dozen units there. I sincerely believe that in the 20 minutes that it took to get real police to the scene, he would have just disappeared into the night. I'm probably the one that is stupid in this situation, but if I could go back, I would make the exact same choices again. Have a happy new year VTCOA! This could have been a lot worse than it was. Keep the officer in prayer.

Good job man, most people are sheep and would have never risked themselvs to help the justice systme. I hope that scum bag got killed by the cops when they got him!
Glad to see thier are still courageous people out in the world...hooooah!!
Awesome story! Need more people like you. Hope they lock that POS up for life. Let us know if you can find out the situation on the LEO.
hats off to you sir brave thing to do glad worked out ok hopes and prayers for the wounded officer.
Heading towards summit racing equipment, I was just driving along. There is a pontiac G8 pulled over by a state trooper. As I'm about 10 cars back, I hear the bang and the trooper falls into the closest lane of traffic. I immediately start stopping. The trooper gets up, and starts slowly walking to his cruiser while on his radio. The G8 takes off down the road. Seeing that the officer was well off enough to get to his car, I took off after the G8. I called into 911 while following the car. In the next 2 minutes, I had the lead officer on the phone. Over the next 15 minutes, I covered over 30 miles, burned over 8 gallons of fuel, and averaged a speed of 120, and up to the 140's at some points, while trying to relay where we were(on snow tires rated for only 100 mph!). At this point, after bottoming BadVic out over multiple expansion joints at triple digit speeds (while the G8 was falling apart), I started seeing marked State Trooper Charger units in the mirror. When they finally caught up after roughly 20 minutes from the start, I simply pulled off to the side of the road to leave the rest to the professionals. 10 minutes later, down the road, the G8 was in the median with at least a dozen units there. I sincerely believe that in the 20 minutes that it took to get real police to the scene, he would have just disappeared into the night. I'm probably the one that is stupid in this situation, but if I could go back, I would make the exact same choices again. Have a happy new year VTCOA! This could have been a lot worse than it was. Keep the officer in prayer.

Nice job, my hats off to you for not letting this POS get away. And he probably wasn't thinking so much about WHO is chasing me as WHAT THE HELL is chasing me!!!
Nice job, my hats off to you for not letting this POS get away. And he probably wasn't thinking so much about WHO is chasing me as WHAT THE HELL is chasing me!!!

Ya if he wasn't in jail he would probably be trading that g8 in for an SRT10 ram!
I got the knock on my door at 2 am to do a statement on camera in a squad car. All is well with the officer. He managed to jump out if the way and what I though was him getting hit was him slipping and falling. He just had the wind knocked out of him. They did get the guy about 10 minutes after they showed up. He didn't feel like running from more than one person. All in all a very bad situation went as well as it could have. Nobody was hurt and that's all I care about.
Absolutely amazing story, and very humbling that citizens like you still exist. Thank you for doing what was right and helping bring this turd to justice. And THANK YOU for the follow-up post that the Trooper was okay.
Yes, and told by dispatch to stop doing it at the time. *shrug* oh well, it all worked out. No worries. I'm just shocked it didn't make major news, but then again, nothing tragic happened. That seems to be the way news around here works.
So where is the proof or are you gonna disappear over here as well?

No news story about a state trooper getting shot? This would be all over the news if it had actually happened.

He posted the same story on and when the questions started poof he vanished. 15 pages and still going.

UBB Message -

The only downside is since its in the smoking lizard lounge you have to be a member to see the thread.
Don't tell me it was a CNN story
So where is the proof or are you gonna disappear over here as well?

No news story about a state trooper getting shot? This would be all over the news if it had actually happened.

He posted the same story on and when the questions started poof he vanished. 15 pages and still going.

UBB Message -

The only downside is since its in the smoking lizard lounge you have to be a member to see the thread.

GTFO, you came here and became a member just to badmouth and discredit him? Let me guess.... your a lightning owner as well?

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