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Full Access Member
Feb 22, 2009
Reaction score
Tucson, AZ
Hi everyone... I thought I would talk to all of you and share a bit of what has been going on with me lately... I have been burying all of this for long enuf, even trying to deny it has even happened... I try and get on here with all of you as often as I can and I try to play with my truck to help me get away from it all so I don't break down... This is a fanfriggintastic place and I really get away from everything when I get on line here... It really helps me... This is my first chance to really sit down for a while and read and reply and disappear into this cyber world, I think I'll be here all night!!

After I first joined I lost my father and that was a hard blow. We were very close and he was fantastic and he will be missed very much... He was in the hospital from a severe heart attack and then rebounded and really got better, hell he was feeling so good he was having a fling with one of the night nurses!! Then the night before he was to go home he had a massive heart attack and they could do nothing for him. I was pissed at the Dr's for telling me he was GREAT and coming home and then that, I swear I wanted to wack every damn one of 'em for not saving my father... I needed to cool down and talk and grieve but couldn't. So after the funeral I started the task of dealing with his house and car collection and all of his property, which I STILL am sorting thru it all. Uhhh it is still hard. Then a few weeks ago my grandfather passes and I have been trying to hold my family together thru all of this. It is begining to wear on me and I have had no time to grieve for myself or really to be by myself, oh I try but it never lasts, something comes up... Uhhh...
I have sold a few of my dad's cars, the ones I don't want! And I am still finding things he has hidden all over the friggin house. He is old school Sicilian and uhhh that just makes it harder! I think he did all of this just to mess with me after he died and I bet he's up ther laughing his butt off too!!! Now my mom is still here trying to help my grandmother thru this and I am helping her, so far so good. Anyway I don't really have friends here (in Tucson that is), I never get out to meet anyone or just get out, it's only been my family...

Then I met all of you! WOW... I even met a couple of you from here (Shawn and IZ) but have not spoken to since after IZ's clutch install, which I needed that time away and with those guys playin on IZ's truck!!! It was great. I hope all is good with them. Now yesterday I get approached from a friend of my fathers and he is selling his custom exhaust shop and wants me to buy it. Well I am interested and we talked and brought up my dad and talked about him and all the good times, It was my dad's shop before his so a lot of memories there, now we will see what happens.
Sorry this is so long, hope I did't bore you all, BUT I have to say, I enjoy the hell outta this place and talking with you all as I have.
I come here to be with the friends that I have and get away from my life for a while and this place helps me get thru it all and I thank all of you... I shared my truck with my father and he loved the shit outta it!!!! BUT it was toooo slow for him...
So thank you all again and I hope to talk with all of you again soon.... If ANYONE is ever through Tucson, my door is always open to you!!!! Sorry this went on so long...
Sure feels good to talk about it, even tho there is more but I don't want to take up all of this web spaces room:D :D
Thank you all for listening...... Tony
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i wondered where you'd gotten off too...but i kept lookin over my shoulder just in case:D

damn dude, what a blow...keep the peace in the family, and no shit...we're always here, day or night...i know that after meeting "only" 10 of these cats...

great bunch....

and...sorry for taking so've been here long enough to know by now...this place is a rambling mad actually had something that you NEEDED to share...

same to you tony...this sicilian's door is always open!
This place has a way of making you feel better. It has helped me a couple times too.
I'm sorry to hear about the personal loss you are dealing with Tony. But stick around here, because there are many good people. And this place always makes me feel better, so I hope it does the same for you.

By the way, the next time you see Shawn and Iz please make sure you have a cold beverage (or two:D ) with them for me.:rock:

Sorry for your losses, but glad that you are comfortable enough with us to share!

We are here always, and always glad to help!
Damn Tony, Im really sorry for your loss! It was really cool that you came and hung out. We should do it again soon. You have my number and you can call at any time.

Stay up Bro,

Sorry for your loss, hang in there Tony .............
Your loss is one that many of us have experienced. Treasure the good times and wonderful memories.

You will be happily surprised how often you feel your Father at you side in the future!