Snowing in SC


Full Access Member
May 13, 2012
Reaction score
Columbia SC
I know its nothing to most of yall, but I havent seen snow stick here in a loooong time. Years. Oh yea its gonna be almost 70 this weekend. :dontknow:

Yea I came all the way down to Charlotte to get away from it in Indy and it followed me and isn't snowing there. I did get to practice my drifting in a rental charger. A la Duke's of Hazzard round-a-bout style.
Thanks for taking the time to talk to me and show me around the other day sir.

told you about that sir crap LOLOL but glad you stopped in man, anytime you wanna come by more than welcome, you should have been here today tho, little overtime on a 05 viper with some rear axle probs

oh and venom truck sorry, I really didn't mean to send all that snow down to you man, but hey, it got cold up here
If it's the Yota I'm thinking of there's not a ditch in NC that would stop that thing.
LOLOL gonna be a long night already , prob not a soul on the road when I head out , so she may be ok, I'll double check in the morning LOLOL
It snowed there because Tony and I actually had a civil phone conversation! "Snowballs chance in hell" came to mind.
Good talking to ya man. :cheers:
Snow builds character
That IS a great pic, Chris! Today the last bit of snow had just finished melting away when we got another 5" tonight. Guess the red beast is sleeping in the garage for a few days. :(
yous can all have some of my snow, i'll share it with everyone :D oh and this -35degree weather too. The snow banks beside my driveway are about 7-8' tall with another storm coming too.....this is one of the coldest and most snow we have had in years