Snow has stopped here Jake...but I can feel it coming...
Snow has stopped here Jake...but I can feel it coming...

Yep... The front is moving SW to NE, so I'm hoping we won't get too much lake effect. When these things come across the lake from your neck of the woods we get hammered. It usually doesn't effect the immediate shoreline... but, we are about 20 miles inland. That is about where it usually dumps it all (border of Berrien and Cass County). Shouldn't be the case here.... but we are still going to get hammered, I think.

Sarah's Great Aunt (87 years old) lives right across from the main farm house (about 15 miles East of us). She won't leave and go stay with someone. So, the Jeep has a fresh battery, and fresh grease in all mechanicals in case I need to go out there. Snow, drifting, power-outages, etc are usually much worse out there than in "town".... so we are monitoring that carefully.
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Jake, Billy and Roy against mother nature...she doesn't have a chance!
I have confidence that you two guys can handle her. I will supervise.
I can handle it! I don't like it, but I can handle it! The snowblower is ready to go! I'll give you a report in the morning!

Gentlemen we have a full fledged blizzard. Just walked the dog...he shit and sprinted back to the door!
Hope all you guys weather the storm well. As for me, I've had it. I give up Winter, you win. Now please let the groundhog say it's going to be early spring tomorrow. Gonna watch Bill Murray tonight and pray. Headed to New Orleans on Friday so I will get a brief break but this winter has been unrelenting.
Can't see the closest house anymore...some drifts over two feet already...this is forecast to end tomorrow night...gulp!
Hope all you guys weather the storm well. As for me, I've had it. I give up Winter, you win. Now please let the groundhog say it's going to be early spring tomorrow. Gonna watch Bill Murray tonight and pray. Headed to New Orleans on Friday so I will get a brief break but this winter has been unrelenting.

Scott, move your ass down South with the sane people. We can find room for you.:rock::rock:
This is what climate change and global warming is all about Scoob...more and more radical weather...when we are at the point that we are complaining about it being hot the year around it will be near the end.

your chicken little, not the ant.
1 good volcano eruption will put us back to 1890.
our 1% carbon emission will not raise the temperature.
in fact, CO2 TRAILS temperature increases.
for you to believe in flawed, disproved science requires a lot of faith.
Scoob you have no idea what science can you criticize it? Go back to your "Good Book" and live within its covers.

And God be with you.