Something more for the old farts

Great pics, I especially liked the park and stack.
Nice pix. The pic which was most interesting to me was the shot of the row houses in Brooklyn looking west to the skyscrapers . Interesting to see the change over in technology...... the horse drawn carriage still in the street that is.:)
Want to trade birth dates??....;) ..................nice pictures John!!:)

I just wanted to be old and die in my sleep right before Vietnam ended.... that seems to be when everything went to shit. :eek: :(
Definately looks like my childhood...........

Jake, you were born precisely when you were in order to carry the old school tradition to the next generation.....

You are one of our last hopes.....

Thank You........

Django said:
Definately looks like my childhood...........

Jake, you were born precisely when you were in order to carry the old school tradition to the next generation.....

You are one of our last hopes.....

Thank You........


Thanks, my dear friend... it means a lot. :eek: I only hope to do what I can to instill in my children what my parents instilled in me. :dontknow: :)
Black1 said:
Thanks, my dear friend... it means a lot. :eek: I only hope to do what I can to instill in my children what my parents instilled in me. :dontknow: :)

I have no doubt (that) you will, if you have the courage to do what is required............

I suddenly feel old