South Koreans Thank America!

Big Asp

Full Access Member
May 19, 2006
Reaction score
Provo, UT
I was riding in a cab the other day in downtown Seoul and the cab driver, around 35 years old, thanked me as an American. He said that the US preserved their freedom and has been a good friend to Korea for many, many years. He said the US helped Korea develop and become what it is today (the size of Illinois and the eleventh largest economy in the world). He said he loves America and is very grateful to us.

This is not unique. We have people thank us as we walk along on the street. We are treated with the utmost respect wherever we go. Of course, you never see this on the news. All they ever show is the occasional handful of misdirected students protesting the importation of US beef or they want a military base moved. They don't really believe in the cause. It's just that they had nothing better to do that afternoon.

In fact, the anti-US beef group pledged to have 10,000 protesters on the street when Bush visited Korea earlier this month. A Pro-American group said if that happens they'll easily counter with 50,000 carrying Bush posters. The anti-US beef group's protest fizzled.

Our neighbors' son returned from Iraq and said it was the same there where he served. He said the only ones that don't like us are the terrorists. I believe that in a few years from now, if we have the character and fortitude to finish what we have started in Iraq, someone may have a similar conversation with a cab driver in downtown Tehran.
That is awesome!!! Thanks for sharing!

The media always twists this stuff around and only presents the side of the story that causes a negative reaction with the public, because that's what keeps people watching. People feed off of the negativity like crack fiends.

Stories like yours, if published, get thrown on the back pages in between the ads for Kinoki Foot Pads and solar-powered car coolers....
That is refreshing news. I for one do not believe anything that the news talks about during election years, they always lean towards who they want to win and will only show the shit that makes bush and the reps look bad. N Korea is a very cool country to visit. I would of rather did my overseas in NKorea than Okinowa. Thanks again for sharing.
Same in Singapore they understand the few FREEDOMS they have they owe to America and her beautiful might~! GOD bless her and the billions that she protects!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No matter what black snake believes~!
DevilDawg3097 said:
That is refreshing news. I for one do not believe anything that the news talks about during election years, they always lean towards who they want to win and will only show the shit that makes bush and the reps look bad. N Korea is a very cool country to visit. I would of rather did my overseas in NKorea than Okinowa. Thanks again for sharing.

It's SOUTH Korea you would want to visit. North Korea sucks.

The Korean and Japanese people don't like China at all......

The enemy of my enemy is my friend...........

It is very gratifying to hear this story...........

Django said:
The Korean and Japanese people don't like China at all......

The enemy of my enemy is my friend...........

It is very gratifying to hear this story...........


I may not live to see it...and I may be wrong...and I hope so....but IMO the terrorists are just a temp enemy....the big confortation is yet to come...and today we are giving them the technology to defeat us...yep, I dont like them either Tim...