srt-10 vs 3 diesels


New Member
Sep 8, 2014
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So me and my friend heard about a meet where they were trying to get a lot of people to go, then later turn it into a cruise. As we pull up at the local best buy I see one whole side of the parking lot filled with nothing but diesels and maybe like 2 cars. We were there for a while, oh and did I mention a Lamborghini, corvette and gtr showed up. Then it came to time to cruise, let the coal rolling begin! We take off, every one going the same direction. We come to red light theres two diesels to my left and one on the right. The Green light drops and the viper's wheels start burning out! smoked all 3 of them before having to slow down because of traffic. Felt really good.
As the owner of a new "hot rod" diesel, I can tell you that your '10 is one of the quickest non-heavily modded trucks on the road. Glad you're having fun?
Congrats on the kill. I also agree with caveman on diesels bein slow. Yook one down in the wifr stock durango rt this weekend at her request. Late 90s with tons of performance stickers on the back window. Think hr was savin for the actual performance parts. Wouldn't even look over after we walked him.......
Congrats on the kill. I also agree with caveman on diesels bein slow. Yook one down in the wifr stock durango rt this weekend at her request. Late 90s with tons of performance stickers on the back window. Think hr was savin for the actual performance parts. Wouldn't even look over after we walked him.......
This made me LOL! :D
I laughed when i read the title you ran some diesel trucks but hell, i do the same. I love when im in my truck and a diesel owner goes full retard and thinks his truck is fast with his programmer sticker on the back glass and 18" culvert for a exhaust tip welded to 3" piping.

for example:dontknow:

Don't forget the 55 gallon drum in the bed, posing as a smoke stack. They're my favorite.
There's an older dude that lives just down the road from me that's owned two diesel trucks, GM & Ford both chipped up and giant exhaust stacks and he tries me every time on the way to work in the mornings. He also has two sons that still live with him that have diesels, they do the same.

I've drug all of them, top end, at the dig and rolling but they still try me every time we happen to meet up. Hell, one morning all three of them waited at an abandoned gas station for me to pass by. I felt like Mad Max the road warrior or that guy on water world, IT'S SMOKERS!!!!