Stupid People


Full Access Member
Oct 26, 2008
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Stinker's Backyard
Me and my buddy took his Evo MR down to a meet at sonic on beach bvld (very very busy road in jacksonville). Every saturday everyone goes down there and shoots the shit and check out other peoples rides. Bikers are there too. Well one biker was riding a CBR 600 (i think, maybe bigger). I could tell he had never laid it down before, the way he was riding, no helmet being reckless. He was showing off burning tires revving it to the moon etc. He went too far one time attempting a wheelie, he slammed the bike down and knocked 3 people down with him. The guy laid their unconscious, he never moved even when the ambulance was pulling off. The police closed down sonic and made everybody leave. The ironic thing is I told my buddy that he was going to fuck up before the night is over with, 20 minutes later he did it right in front of me. Dumbass people, I dont know if he survived or not. :(
I'al tell you what brandon,that ole boy has a death wish,ridein without a helmut is very,very foolish..............even though you just 18,you have your witz about you more than most youth,poor bastard,hope e did'nt kill himself.
Sonic on Beach?

We used to gather on Atlantic Blvd in the Sams parking lot...when the police would chase us, we would then go to the Pets Mart lot a half block away...MarcT and I were charter members there!

I-9 was the track...up and over the Dames Point bridge...nice clean smooth track...

I guess the town hasn't showing off...peeling out of the parking lot...cops reeling them in!
Good prediction. Took just 20 minutes to come to pass huh? Why don't you predict that I win a lottery? That way I can finanace a spectacular national VTCoA GTG where I fly all willing members into one location for a massive party, all expenses paid by me.:D
I ate lunch with my son at that sonic yesterday. I hope the kid is ok and that he learns from the experience!
amtrucker22 said:
I ate lunch with my son at that sonic yesterday. I hope the kid is ok and that he learns from the experience!
I dont know if he's ok or not, his head bounced off the concrete pretty good, he was still knocked out when they put him on the back board.
Prof said:
Sonic on Beach?

We used to gather on Atlantic Blvd in the Sams parking lot...when the police would chase us, we would then go to the Pets Mart lot a half block away...MarcT and I were charter members there!

I-9 was the track...up and over the Dames Point bridge...nice clean smooth track...

I guess the town hasn't showing off...peeling out of the parking lot...cops reeling them in!
Never been to the one at sams club, I've went to one at some loading docks off of 9A until the cops found us, at sonic we fill all of sonics lot, JEA, and the whole mall parking lot behind it. probaly abot 300 cars. a GTR was there last night as well as a red viper.
i may have said it before on here, but a18 yr. old kid (no offense brandon, you type way more intelligently;)) had just got an 05 just like mine...i was moseying down the road when i look up and there's "my grill" eating up my rear view he pulls up and wants to race...so____________________________________________________. well, he misses a gear one time, goes bouncing off the rev limiter another...we pull over and chat for a minute, at which point i knew this dude and this truck are a no good combination...i get back in the truck and the first thing out of my mouth to her is "that kid's gonna kill himself...he doesn't even know what he has; but i hope i'm wrong." the last words i told him when we left were "be careful, the day that you think you've got that truck whipped, it will try to kill you. and if you do ever have that feeling....SELL IT!"

sure as shit ... about a month later my buddy asks me if i wrecked my truck?'s right there....

....somebody barrel rolled there truck just like yours in a horse pasture the other night in front of my house...i don't know if he made it...

upon further conversation, we determined it was that kid...sad to's a dangerous road we walk on....
I worry about that young stallion...not sure his head is in the right place...owing one of these trucks comes a lot of responsibility and good decision making is a fundamental requirement.
the very first ten to be delivered to groseinger dodge was wrecked by the owners son not even ten minutes after they unloaded it off the truck. And you guys are right as soon as you have no more fear of it, is when shit happens. I hit 135 maybe twice and to be honest I will keep it at the track. One small dip in the pavement at high speeds can you say airborne:argh: :marchmellow: I know I had to change my drawers, or as Ron White likes to say, did someone shit in my pants:D