Supercharged Jeep SRT8 vs EVO

I raced an EVO last summer and destroyed it 3 times!! I let him jump first twice and third time I let him have 6 car run by me and it took me maybe 300 yds to catch and blow by him!! Lmao

I raced an evo once too but i smoked it lol that white one in the vid runs 11s...
You should make a video of your truck bro!
I can't speak for Ryan's Roe truck, but I was recently in a boosted car with a 5 speed, and it kinda sucked. Just about the time you would really start building some boost, you had to let off to shift. Consequently, it wasn't as fast as it could be. With an auto the guy could have just kept it pinned on the floor and stayed in the boost a lot longer.

If u powershift wont the boost stay up?
Don't know and don't care. Built auto > manual. Period.

I like both so dont care either... To have fun is a stickshift all day and to have something fast for the 1320 and consistent a auto all day
You had an opinion. Me and he OP was talking about facts proven by time slips. Crabby is name calling. No need for that.
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I said autos are easier, quicker and more consistent. I said nothing about faster. Faster meaning higher trap speed is usually higher with a stick if you are taking about stock vs stock but I wasn't.

Go add that to your thread.

Again. I am right. A Built, well set up auto in the same vehicle will out perform a manual. The quicker you go, the more it will shine. Carry on.

I'm glad I got under your skin enough for you to make a whole new thread. I will sit back now and wait to be proven right by others.

Oh here's me power shifting my truck a couple years ago when I first did the swap. A built 4r100 in my truck will shift much faster, consistent and is easier.
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I said autos are easier, quicker and more consistent. I said nothing about faster. Faster meaning higher trap speed is usually higher with a stick.

Go add that to your thread.

Again. I am right. Built well set up auto in the same vehicle will out perform a manual. The quicker you go, the more it will shine. Carry on.

Lets agree to disagree on the quicker part with a proper driver behind the stick. Post some facts to support your opinion and I'll listen but till then you can't claim to be right. Carry on.
You do understand when I mean quicker, I mean the vehicle e/t?

I don't know how to prove my self right, neither do you since you made a thread asking for help and other opinions. Like I said, ill have to wait for others to prove me right.
You do understand when I mean quicker, I mean the vehicle e/t?

I don't know how to prove my self right, neither do you since you made a thread asking for help and other opinions. Like I said, ill have to wait for others to prove me right.

I completely understand what you are saying and what you mean (trap speed vs ET). I just happen to disagree with your statement. I've stated my reasoning behind why I feel your statement in inaccurate. I look at the facts first before claiming I'm right. I could be wrong but my facts say something different. I'm not asking for help I'm asking for opinions based on facts. I don't know 100% so therefore I won't say I'm right. I'm simply getting reasonable discussion going on a subject that has a lot of misinformation. Hope that helps you understand my position if you care.
That sucks to hear, another t56 truck gone.'

Why didnt you learn to drive it or fix the trans, clutch, or whatever it was that prevent you from hitting third. Or you just was tired of shifting which is understandable.

You do realize there are way better options than both the T-56 and the auto 48RE. I'm glad he's going this route. Every other day someone is bitching about their 48RE or their manual it seems like.