Thanks Everyone for the TOTM Win!!

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Full Access Member
Aug 23, 2006
Reaction score
Chattanooga, Tn.
I really appreciate everyone that voted, this was almost the highest vote count ever and I believe it was the closest ever, just 2 votes difference.

Once again Guys Thank You.
It was by far the most exciting battle for the front page


I didn't see from the beginning but the last few days were a slug fest. Looked like Ramdude had it this evening by 6 votes, then I get home and you got 8 more in the closing bell.
Way to whoop ass dude. And that IS a sick action shot.
Maybe make a limit of 3 trucks to keep it close , I mean this was the best month for totm and there was only 3 ... And all entry should have a clean carfax new rule ( ironhead )
Maybe make a limit of 3 trucks to keep it close , I mean this was the best month for totm and there was only 3 ... And all entry should have a clean carfax new rule ( ironhead )

I don't agree. If everyone that voted this month, voted every month. The TOTM run would probably look like this one most months. A good hard fought battle and a lot of fun. This month was a good example of just how much fun the TOTM can be and I for one thank both FATJack and RAMDUDE for the fun. Good to see the spirit back in the TOTM and I really don't care why people vote for who they do, just as long as they vote. This is a competition after all.

FATJack and RAMDUDE, brought the voters to the table, a bunch of new member is the process, it's all good :D

Cheers :D


(RAMDUDE, I know we don't get along, however, I really enjoyed this battle. Thank You, sincerly)
Yea Jeff your right alot more people voted this month and made it exciting .
Congrats Jack .... Well deserved :rock::rock::rock:
Maybe make a limit of 3 trucks to keep it close , I mean this was the best month for totm and there was only 3 ... And all entry should have a clean carfax new rule ( ironhead )

You are such an idiot ,,ill tell you what ,you pay for the car fax and ill post it so you can show what a moron you are ,,i never had a salvage title ,that is what you made up just because you dislike me and at least i have a truck ,,unlike you .you sound like a broken record that just keeps skipping back and forth ,,,i do think it should be a supporting member only vote though ,,that way the one post and vote thing willl not be an issue ever again
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,,,i do think it should be a supporting member only vote though ,,that way the one post and vote thing willl not be an issue ever again

Years back, I tried the supporting member thing and messed things up so bad it pretty much killed the TOTM. Happy Wes brought it back.
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