The "Good Day" thread


Full Access Member
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
Stinker's Backyard
Ok we need one of these all of us put up with a bunch of BS all day long, But every now and then we have a good day. Or days that start off like complete crap but end up a really good day. Share your stories, we need some positivity around here. :rock: :rock: :rock:

Here's how my day went: When I rolled into work today around 10 AM and we were packed full of work. I jumped in and knocked my tickets out, then I had to do the other techs work because he cant pull his weight. I was kinda pissed but whatever. At around 3 in the afternoon my service manager came to me and said their was a little kid that wanted to meet me. I was likt Wtf for? He told me that he had seen my acceptance letter to Nascar school hanging in the service office and wanted to meet me. I really didnt want too because I was busy and dirty as hell from this POS diesel I was working on. Anyway the kid came out to my bay and we talked for about 5 minutes until he mentioned that he really liked kevin harvick. Well it just so happens that we have the talledega 09 ram that was used to take kevin harvick around the track before the race. I showed it to him and I thought he was going to come unglued. He asked for my autograph and everything, I really got a thrill out of it. That kid made my day, and I made his. :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
Okay...I'll play.

Since Monday I have been waking up at 0245 for a 0400 preflight. Monday was the day we were leaving Hawaii but we were cancelled around Noon because the plane kept breaking. Tuesday wasn't so bad, we actually made it to San Diego. Wednesday we got up at 0245 for the 3rd day straight but we ended up cancelling because the weather in the South East was not conducive to surviving flight. (Got very drunk in 9 hours at the Base bowling alley and ran into an old co-worker of mine...)Thursday was better except the plane tried to pull the same crap it did on Monday, but I got it to work so we could take off for ALA....BAMA!!!:D

Got totally wasted and because of the time difference didn't realize how late it was until we got home. (Stayed at the Hilton Garden Inn....VERY NICE!) We got in about 0400 and had to be up at 0730...STRUGGLING to wake up made it downstairs, went back up stairs because one of my crew members were not present, found said crew member, went to Birmingham Airport, found out we did not have actual tickets, finally got tickets, got my leatherman confiscated because I forgot it was in my backpack, lady treated me like a terrorist, got mad at Nazi like TSA lady, made it on airplane, plane got delayed, landed in ATL, missed flight to Hawaii, got stuck in ATL, and got drunk...

...ANNNNNNNNDDDDDD! I am staying at another Hilton Garden Inn and drank beers all night with good people...including a very nice gentleman that bought a booty load of beers for us since we defended his country! I had to shake his hand I was so proud! A pretty good time all in all....hope this never happens again!LOL!:D:D:D

....Oh...and I think I have had the swine flu since kidding!:(

But, still had a good week....kinda!:)
KRAZYSRT10 said:
Okay...I'll play.

Since Monday I have been waking up at 0245 for a 0400 preflight. Monday was the day we were leaving Hawaii but we were cancelled around Noon because the plane kept breaking. Tuesday wasn't so bad, we actually made it to San Diego. Wednesday we got up at 0245 for the 3rd day straight but we ended up cancelling because the weather in the South East was not conducive to surviving flight. (Got very drunk in 9 hours at the Base bowling alley and ran into an old co-worker of mine...)Thursday was better except the plane tried to pull the same crap it did on Monday, but I got it to work so we could take off for ALA....BAMA!!!:D

Got totally wasted and because of the time difference didn't realize how late it was until we got home. (Stayed at the Hilton Garden Inn....VERY NICE!) We got in about 0400 and had to be up at 0730...STRUGGLING to wake up made it downstairs, went back up stairs because one of my crew members were not present, found said crew member, went to Birmingham Airport, found out we did not have actual tickets, finally got tickets, got my leatherman confiscated because I forgot it was in my backpack, lady treated me like a terrorist, got mad at Nazi like TSA lady, made it on airplane, plane got delayed, landed in ATL, missed flight to Hawaii, got stuck in ATL, and got drunk...

...ANNNNNNNNDDDDDD! I am staying at another Hilton Garden Inn and drank beers all night with good people...including a very nice gentleman that bought a booty load of beers for us since we defended his country! I had to shake his hand I was so proud! A pretty good time all in all....hope this never happens again!LOL!:D:D:D

....Oh...and I think I have had the swine flu since kidding!:(

But, still had a good week....kinda!:)

Nice accounting of your day, Kris :rock: :rock: :rock: Sorry about your disease - I had some crap like that for over a week myself. ICK, and I wouldn't even dream of going anywhere near a DR's office - you know you'll get sick there, fo sho :eek: Hope yer feelin better and thanks for all you do for us :rock: :congrats: :rock:
Good idea for a thread, Brando..... nice post, too.....

I wish you great success.............

Today was one helluva great day! I got to work and for the first time in months we were actually "busy" all day long. Then I got home and there was a letter from NTI saying that I scored high enough on a test I took that I qualified for a $1,500 schlorship!!!! :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
I'll play. Alarm went off at 2:51, hit the snooze, went of again at three. Got out of bed and got ready for work. At my age, woke up, it was a good day.