The new VTCoA traveling banner is here!!!!!


I will get eh banner from beastly1 this weekend, get a pic with my truck and have it on it way when done.

scottrobinson is next on the list, If you would PM bwellmaker your address he will have it so that when he is done he can move it right along to you.
Havnt really been following this thread, whats the deal with shipping? Who ever has it pays? An shipping next day or fed ex or dont matter?

Once you have received the banner, you are responsible for getting it signed and shipped to the next person on the list, as quickly as possible. You will pay the shipping to send it to the next person. There should be a black marker in the shipping tube, please make sure it gets put back in the tube with the banner.

I picked the banner up from beastly1 on the way to work. I will get a photo and signed tomorrow or Sunday then in the mail Monday Scott.



Banner signed and will get it in the mail today.




Now it looks like the banner has done some traveling.
From a DMX Party-UP (Up In Here)

Long story of how it came to be with the guys I work with but we use it as:

Hello, Goodby, Cool, Really, Check that shit out, I would hit it, etc...

Get the jest?


Going to Canada Eh? Well there's your problem...

Anyone else on the list live in the Frozen North? Maybe we can route the banner around up there if it is going to take 5 days to get it over the border each time. What do you guys think?
Going to Canada Eh? Well there's your problem...

Anyone else on the list live in the Frozen North? Maybe we can route the banner around up there if it is going to take 5 days to get it over the border each time. What do you guys think?

I would agree with that as long as we can still get the banner to Jay and his crew for their big show in May.

Tracking shows it is moving. It may take another day or so if they are anything like USPS for international if on the receiving side.

Good idea to let it roam the tundra for Oh Canada before heading back US. Save folks on international shipping.

