This is the kind of $h*t that gives cops a bad name...

ViperJeff said:
Well, unless the were putting there mary jane in the cookies...oh don't let the kids eat those, how else is marajauana consumed

How many DV calls did the Yettie go on, DUI's at 2 am, so I'm just not sure how being Yettie the Bounty Hunter equates

Jeffy, Jeffy my friend, go after a murder, a thief , a drug pushing bail jumper, trust me when I say ya run ito all of of this stuff, and ya have no back up.
Like I said, " send me plane ticket, i need the vacation.
Jeff ,its time buddy , let this one be, people are gonna be people, dont mean they all feel the same way buddy, alot of us still respect the legal system.

dont let it get ya rilled up;)


I'm out :toilet:

Wifey said:
Jeffy, Jeffy my friend, go after a murder, a thief , a drug pushing bail jumper, trust me when I say ya run ito all of of this stuff, and ya have no back up.
Like I said, " send me plane ticket, i need the vacation.

Dude, I couldn't buy you a candy bar, but I can go dumpster diving tonight and get you a head of lettuce

But, you'll have to come get it

ViperJeff said:
Dude, I couldn't buy you a candy bar, but I can go dumpster diving tonight and get you a head of lettuce

But, you'll have to come get it

Right on bro , you are the best:rock: :rock: :rock:
Wifey said:
Right on bro , you are the best:rock: :rock: :rock:

Only on the eight day of the week, the 3rd and the 7th are really bad day, 1 day I get to start over, 5 day just seems to be screwed up in so many ways, 2nd day, I forgot that I had just started over and on the 6 day I'm looking for a tree. Then the forth day, thank goodness for whisky, because I can never remember that day at all

ViperJeff said:
Only on the eight day of the week, the 3rd and the 7th are really bad day, 1 day I get to start over, 5 day just seems to be screwed up in so many ways, 2nd day, I forgot that I had just started over and on the 6 day I'm looking for a tree. Then the forth day, thank goodness for whisky, because I can never remember that day at all

We do have a bit in common , don't we LOL:D
Wifey said:
We do have a bit in common , don't we LOL:D


Don't tell anyone :eek:
Wifey said:
absolutely pathetic, after watching that you would have thought they were after Osama Benladin:( The cops could have done a million things besides making little children hate cops( for shooting their dog) over near nothing.

The so called drug war has to be stopped period! The only thing it ( the war on drugs ) is doing is justifying the disintegration of our rights.
I know i can get flamed for my opinion, however legalization would be a better alternative than the Gestapo tactics being employed by the government mafia on the public.

I am soooooooooooooo sick of the heavy hand i could puke.

:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

I agree.What someone puts in their body should be their business and only their business.If they steal to get it,prosecute them for theft.If they kill to get it,prosecute them for murder.Alcohol and cigarettes are about as dangerous as any other drug,yet it is sold everywhere.

I just don't get it. :dontknow:
There was absolutely no reason for killing that dog...As was mentioned you that pit could have been held down with bare hands or maced or even pushed back with a fire extinguisher...
They claimed they had to shoot is because it was acting agressive? Well wtf do you think its going to do when it sees a bunch of men charge into a house yelling? Its going to protect its pack...
I cant say I hate cops, I will just say sometimes they act is if they are above the law and some work as if they dont have a fukn brain...
Was the dog going after one of the officers? I didn't see it in the video... did you? How can you pass judgement without even knowing what happened?

I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have shot it if it was just sitting there wagging it's tail.
LoveThisTruck said:
Was the dog going after one of the officers? I didn't see it in the video... did you? How can you pass judgement without even knowing what happened?

I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have shot it if it was just sitting there wagging it's tail.

"Pretty sure" and "if" certainly leave the door wide open on that one, don't they, bro....

Hard to tell this one if ya wren't there....

Django said:
"Pretty sure" and "if" certainly leave the door wide open on that one, don't they, bro....

Hard to tell this one if ya wren't there....


My point exactly.

But let's not be logical about this. All cops are the same... they're all assholes. Let's sit here and talk shit about thousands of people because of the profession they choose :rolleyes:
LoveThisTruck said:
My point exactly.

But let's not be logical about this. All cops are the same... they're all assholes. Let's sit here and talk shit about thousands of people because of the profession they choose :rolleyes:

Damn right..... That's why I became a cop.... To biff, bash, bust heads.... and take lives as an occasional treat.;)

(The last two posts were meant sarcastically, for those that may not have noticed)

Just FYI, and if you even give a shit....:

I'm a real dog (and animal) lover in general. But (as you can well imagine) if some asshole sicked his dog on me and I was defending my life, well..... Cujo goes down......... Believe that. And his master would get an ass whuppin' for abuse and cruelty to animals......

Film at 11.......
