To one and all, friends...........

Jack..... May god bless u in your time of need ,and although I have never met u I can tell you are one tough man! I know you will win this fight! Good luck Jack!
keep your head up, jack...we're prayin' for you...

korny,'s a pleasure to meet you.:headbang:...hahahahah...can i have a description as to where the name came from?

You just get better Jack, all my prayers

Youll continue to be in my families prayers Jack, keep up the determination and strong will to beat this, you've got tons of support and most importantly GOD is on your side.
First and foremost, Jack, my brother, may God and all his angels protect you and watch over you through this healing. May your family stay strong with you and this challenge prove you as the victor.

Korny..... Welcome to what most of us call "second home". I hope you do see we are one huge family with ties across the globe, literally. We are all, for the most part, close knit and believe it or not most have never met! The ones that have either got closer or realized internet friendship was best.;)
Welcome again and hope you enjoy your new venture.:burnout:
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Thank you all for the warm welcome. I have been viewing this forum for months and I can tell how close all of you are. I am here for the site, so I will not ruin the root of what makes this forum great! I wanted to hear what all of you would like to see added/fixed on this forum if anything. The only thing I want to do myself very soon is upgrade the vbulletin software that this forum is ran on. Its very outdated and the newer version(3.8.6) has alot of cool new features on it. If any of you have ideas to add to the forum, I am all ears!

My user name Korny has been with me for a good well. I was and am a big KoRn fan and I went with that username. I have 2 vehicles, a town and country mini van for the wife and kids and a company truck. :D
Jack, Thanks for all of the support through the years. You are in our hearts and prayers. Get well soon ;)
Korny, You need to buy a Viper truck so you can see firsthand what all the fuss is about. Welcome aboard!!
Man this made me sad....I guess who I will be running for my Next marathons... I hope to get some help... Love all of you and miss all of you and please get better.
Been there. Doing that.

Been there. Doing that.

I know the misery you're going through.
I have B-Cell Lymphoma. Chemo is a real drag. I carry a small kitchen garbage can with me when I'm doing chemo. -- the nausea, vomitting are so bad.

It made my mouth so sore I could only eat scrambled eggs and pudding!
I've made it 3 years since my initial diagnosis.
I'm on maintenance chemo now, so I only have to do it every 6 months.

I now appreciate each and every new day as a gift to be treasured.

Hang in there!

Im sorry to hear about this jack but I do wish you all the luck in the world and hope that you do have a speedy recovery.
Jack, hang in there! I have no doubt you will beat this thing! You continue to be in my daily prayers.

Welcome home Korny!
We are behind you Jack! Get better soon.

Heavenly Father, I ask you now in Jesus' Name to come and touch Jack, heal him, deliver him from this cancer, set him free from all sickness and affliction.
Also here in Belgium we pray to help you Jack
And hope you get a well recovery

Jack keep your head up. This is an obstacle that you can and must fight. You're a fighter an will overcome this condition. We are all praying for you.

Since Korny has both Patrick's and your approval that all I need to hear and welcome "Korny" to the zoo...........
Jack my friend, don't worry about anything but beating this demon. That's all that matters right now. And I know I don't need to say it, but if you need anything, and I do mean anything, just ask.

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