Tough times


Full Access Member
Jun 24, 2006
Reaction score
Lawrenceville GA
Hi Guys,
This last year has been a complete change for me, both good and lately unfortunately the bad.

I went back to Alberta in March to see my Dad and my sister, so glad I did.
On April 10th my Dad passed away, at that time my sister was too sick to attend his funeral. Today she passed away. She leaves her husband and 2 boys behind. They are 21 and 23.

Looks like I'm be making my 3rd trip back there in less than 2 months.:(
OMG that is horrible news. I am so sorry my friend. God bless you and your family
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.

No matter how much a person tries to prepare, these things always hit hard.
With Dad even though he was in a Nursing home and confined to a wheelchair, overall his physical health wasn't that bad. His death was unexpected, my sister though had been fighting cancer for about 4 years and was declining fast. At least her suffering is over.
I am sorry for your loss. Let us know if there is anything we can do.
There comes a time in this life where our creator stops giving us things and he/she starts to take away. Be strong for those who aren't . this life is to short! bring the truck on a road trip and we can get together while you are here . bison is always good this time of year!
God Bless
Lost my Dad three years ago this month..still miss him. Prayers go out to you and your family.
Very Sorry to hear your Bad news. May God Bless you and all of your Family. Be as strong as you can. Remember you have Many friends on here to talk with if you need to talk.