Truck for Sale


Full Access Member
Jan 14, 2008
Reaction score
Anyone want a slightly used Hemi truck !
Will make you one hell of a deal .
Not shown in pic is the huge smashed in rearend of truck and just painted SRT-10 hood, well sort of can see hood. Nothing like being pushed into a red light pole at 50 miles an hour . :mad: .But radio works fine . My 4 broken ribs are another story .No, air bags did not deploy, AKA Busted up like a mother ! Welcome home DOH! I feel like 6 Fat Girls worked me over .But that at least would have been fun :)
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Huge amounts of Vicodine is a wonderful thing . Wait what is my name again . :eek:
Ouch what happened?
Woman hit me from behind doing 50 or so as light turned yellow .
I stomped on my brakes till my legs hurt . They said she hit gas petal instead of brakes after she hit me .

Took me a week just to be able to sit up straight .
Dang man.
Hope ya get to feeling better
Just a tip bit ,cops said her phone shows she was texting at the exact time she hit my .
Glad you survived to post about it James. I feel you with this situation. Got hit by a SUV about a year ago going 80MPH (Highway Patrol Estimate) while traffic was at a standstill on the freeway. Person was texting in a borrowed suv with no license or insurance. Hopefully the person who hit you was insured.