Truck Seatbelt Law Signed


May 20, 2010
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Warner Robins, Georgia
Georgia pickup truck drivers, buckle up!

Governor Sonny Perdue signed a law Thursdsay requiring adults in trucks to wear a seat belt. Pickup trucks were previously exempted from the state's seat belt law. Georgia is the last state in the country to pass the law. The governor was joined at the bill signing in north Georgia by the legislation's sponsor, state Sen. Don Thomas, a Republican from Dalton.

Public safety advocates had long been trying to get rid of the exemption, but their efforts were stymied each time by rural lawmakers who called the rule and unnecessary regulation.

Georgia's Department of Transportation estimates the new law will save 21 lives and prevent 300 injuries each year.
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:mad: I don't get why people have to make laws pertaining to someone else's safety and common sense. Just so much control! It's freaking annoying. It's MY life that is in jeopardy if I decide not to wear my seatbelt.
Plus, I have seen the high level of complaints pertaining to seat belts in trucks being the same length as those in vehicles. They don't account for the fact that the seats sit up much higher than a car, plus the fact that WOMEN HAVE BREASTS!!! I don't want my "girls" getting all uncomfortably mashed up (though my fiance don't mind the view). I have even read where women who drive trucks while in treatment for breast cancer endure excruciating pain b/c the seat belt doesn't have comfortable length. If you *ssholes want to approve laws atleast make the automotive industry responsible for making seat belts with WOMEN in mind, sh*t we drive trucks too!!! :congrats:
P.S. No offense, but after viewing the movie "Fight Club", men can have big breasts, too.
It's annoying as hell NOT to wear a seatbelt anymore. All new cars have "beltminders" in them that can't be turned off. Damn thing bings and bongs at you until you put your seat belt on. :argh: :argh: :argh: Our trucks and most Fords had ones that could be turned off.... farmers LOVED that feature, as that bonging would drive you mad while you're out on the farm.

Damn Nanny-State. :argh:
AWDisuzu said:
I think you should be slapped if you drive without a seatbelt.

Same here! I get tired of picking up people from the side of the road that were killed in a survivable crash but were ejected instead. Now I have seen some smashed so bad that a seatbelt did not help. But I'll buckle up and take my chances. Plus the citations now in Florida are over $100! And they passed a law saying law enforcement doesn't need another reason to pull you over other than they see you without a seatbelt on.
So you don't want to wear your seat belt?? Go ahead leave it off. It'll help cleanse the gene pool.
I wont feel sorry for you. I'll feel sorry for the Medics and rescue workers who have to look at your mangled corpse on the roadway
AWDisuzu said:
I think you should be slapped if you drive without a seatbelt.
Well how bout you come slap me then? You won't live to tell the story. Are how bout you take your *ss to the automotive industry or the government and slap them for not making the seat belts on the same level as those in cars. F*cking idiots make me sick.
I don't like being controlled when it comes to my life. It shouldn't be time wasted on telling people to wear seat belts. People by now should know that it's safer to wear them. That's my point to all the dumb*ss responses. People are putting time and energy into making people do what they don't want to do. It's not about safety its more about another reason for the state to get more money out of drivers b/c they know if a person doesn't want to wear a seat beat, regardless of a law they aren't. I don't have a problem with wearing my seat belt in my car b/c there it's a comfortable length and they seat belt isn't cutting into my breasts the way a truck's seat belt does. It's ridiculous how uncomfortable a truck's seat belt is. My fiance purchased extenders for my front seats to accommodate my friends and myself. Some of them are more of a C cup and they seat belt is fine but I do have friends that are bigger than A-C cups.
I understand your frustration, but I can tell you being a tough guy on a forum will get you kicked off quick. Threatening another member over a silly comment is not a level head. People are gonna make comments your hole life, some comments your gonna like & some your gonna dislike. Let the ones you don't like roll off your back. A calm level head will always prevail.

Jhazephae said:
Well how bout you come slap me then? You won't live to tell the story. Are how bout you take your *ss to the automotive industry or the government and slap them for not making the seat belts on the same level as those in cars. F*cking idiots make me sick.
BlackMamba50 said:
I understand your frustration, but I can tell you being a tough guy on a forum will get you kicked off quick. Threatening another member over a silly comment is not a level head. People are gonna make comments your hole life, some comments your gonna like & some your gonna dislike. Let the ones you don't like roll off your back. A calm level head will always prevail.

Honey, I responded to his response. I won't cry about getting kicked off. If you make a statement about putting your hands on someone then, you need to understand that making statements like that aren't cool. Period. I am a female, and I don't respect any man that feel I should be slapped. So again kick me off.
My wife has double D's and drives and Escalade. Wears it everyday. No complaints.
EMT/SRT said:
My wife has double D's and drives and Escalade. Wears it everyday. No complaints.

Ok....what do you want me to say to that? I have ridden in several SUVs, and depending on the bra it can be uncomfortable. SUVs are made with both genders in mind, but can you say the same about a truck? :dontknow:
Driving without a seat belt is just plain stupid...the stats are clear...besides its not just you that the law targets...its those in the car with you, its those that you kill because you are being tossed around like a rag doll rather than being anchored in and still have some modicum of control.

Many of us have experienced nasty acts by our trucks...without a seat belt you have little chance of controlling the irrational actions of our trucks...wear the belt...and be sure those you love do too.
I was ejected out of a cj-7 when I was 13 I dont remember if I was wearring a seatbelt (lap-belt) as the impact affected my memorry. I NEVER go anyware without wearing one not even down the street. My Father NEVER wears his unless a cop is around but he is my father and I have to respect his decisions no matter how dumb they might be. Just put on your damn belt and forget about it I have.
I am not anti seat belts, I just feel it's a person's choice. But I strongly feel truck's seat belts should be regulated to make sure that they are accommodating to women as well as men.
Not using a seatbelt is not only dumb but also adds to everyones insurance cost. Every time a person is badly hurt or killed in a auto wreck and the insurance co. has to pay out it comes out of there pockets and we all have to refill there pockets.
I wear mine because I don't trust our airbags will work, actually I always wear one but I agree that making it law is stupid as hell. Its perfectly fine to ride a motorcycle without a helmet or seat belt though...if a motorcyclist hits a deer its all over. Not in a car without a seat belt
EMT/SRT said:
My wife has double D's and drives and Escalade. Wears it everyday. No complaints.

You're a lucky man..LOL

P.S. My girl has no issue with the belts in my truck and she too has D's...:D
EMT/SRT said:
Same here! I get tired of picking up people from the side of the road that were killed in a survivable crash but were ejected instead.

Word! We've both seen our fair share... :(

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