Truth in the Media

And to think I just complained about the media in another post, wish I had watched this first, I wouldn't have been so nice
Thanks for posting that, it was great. Of course, I have to say that the reporting here was skewed as well. Near the end he made the comment that this was all done to drum up sympathy for Hezbollah, which is nothing more than an empty accusation. I think it is more likely that it is simply a case of folks wanting to sell their pictures to media outlets and those media outlets wanting to sell them to the public.

I don't think there is any way to drum up support for Hezbollah, everyone knows what they are all about. I do feel very sorry for the Lebanese people, but once again, they need to take the stand and drive Hezbollah from their land.

I also feel for the Israeli civilians being bombed, they are in the same boat as the Lebanese.
Begood said:
Its no longer News, its sensationalism.

Well, it's a business. And the competition has never been stronger. You have newspapers, news magazines, 24 hour tv news channels, tv news magazines, and don't forget the 24/7 news coverage of the many different internet news sites. Hell, you can even get news alerts that will pop up on your computer or your cell phone, which also has a browser to go to the news sites! They have to figure out a way to sell their news over the next guys. And sensationalism works. In a sense you can't put all the blame on them, if the public didn't want it, they wouldn't be able to sell it.

I'm not giving the media a free pass here, not by any stretch. I am outraged at the media more than I would like to admit. I have lost track of how many times I have read or watched a story just to find myself furious at the reporting and the hype. But we are all to blame on some level.
I wonder why Edward R. Morrow and Walter Cronkite where so revered and Loved..............Simple answer is they reported the facts and never once interjected their own selfish views into a story.....The Media has forgot the important thing, The news ! I cant stand local news stations, ever since the early 70's it has only gotten worse, Liberal slanted and askew :mad:
Don't get me started on Edward R Morrow and Walter Cronkite... They were FOS too..........
