Trying out first pics of my beast!!

Hey thanks for postin those!! Internet is SOOOOOOO slow!!! But the Dyno was at my Padre's work The HQ for He is the head Performance mechanic.. He knows a few people in Chrysler and got some inside info on easy upgrades for HP from some Viper techs... That pic i think is actually part of their advertising lol
After i get back to Germany i will be traveling a lot and hope to gets some pics her at Normandy..Going to go there for D-Day celebration again was there in 09 for the 65th ANIV. Hope to maybe hit the beach if it doesnt sink... there are old WWII jeeps on the beach 24/7 lol Crazy French lol Also hoping to hit major sights in Europe before i A) ETS and get out of the Army or B) before i PCS Some place else