Unreal!!! Blown Engine......AGAIN!!!!

are they going to fix it for you at no cost??

i talked to the manager yesterday and he said its all under warranty so i shouldnt have to give them another dollar.....and wont!
Get ready. I can see already they are going to sneek back into your wallet, by saying, "well, we fixed the other problem, it now this that went bad, and it going to cost......".

Which honestly could have been the case. If you don't take the whole engine apart, it hard to really repair a problem. Your only putting a band-aid on an internal injury.
Yes, a torque wrench was used on all bolts that require it and to factory spec. Why the trans mount and crossmember bolts were left loose is something I don't understand. They were checked by myself and the other lead tech that helped reinstall the transmission. You had also mentioned loose/missing vacuum lines - all lines were verified as connected. The breather hose was missing from the truck as you had a breather filter on the cover and duct tape on the intake tube where the fitting should be.

The only way to find out what happened is to inspect for cause of failure. When you talked to me on Saturday, you let me hear the noise and described it as a squeaking/metal tapping noise. It's hard to say what happened by listening to it over the phone. As I also stated to you, I will talk to the manager on Monday AM (when he's in) and verify that this is covered under warranty (which is should be).

I personally am concerned as to why this happened when everything was double and triple checked within the engine.
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fasstdak said:
Yes, a torque wrench was used on all bolts that require it and to factory spec. Why the trans mount and crossmember bolts were left loose is something I don't understand. They were checked by myself and the other lead tech that helped reinstall the transmission. You had also mentioned loose/missing vacuum lines - all lines were verified as connected. The breather hose was missing from the truck as you had a breather filter on the cover and duct tape on the intake tube where the fitting should be.

The only way to find out what happened is to inspect for cause of failure. When you talked to me on Saturday, you let me hear the noise and described it as a squeaking/metal tapping noise. It's hard to say what happened by listening to it over the phone. As I also stated to you, I will talk to the manager on Monday AM (when he's in) and verify that this is covered under warranty (which is should be).

I personally am concerned as to why this happened when everything was double and triple checked within the engine.

Pretty reasonable response...the outcome is looking better at this juncture.
first of all the duct tape was to cover hole in my intake from when i was sprayin the truck before i blew the first engine...you dont even know what part ive been talking about...its a 3 inch neck that is on the bottom of the intake tube...its been capped for 9 months and the new engine has been getting unfiltered air through the IAC...
fasstdak said:
I personally am concerned as to why this happened when everything was double and triple checked within the engine.

everything except vacuum lines to the TB and IAC....
faslane505 said:
first of all the duct tape was to cover hole in my intake from when i was sprayin the truck before i blew the first engine...you dont even know what part ive been talking about...its a 3 inch neck that is on the bottom of the intake tube...its been capped for 9 months and the new engine has been getting unfiltered air through the IAC...

I may be out of line if so I apologize in advance...

It seems that an olive branch was offered by fasstdak...emotion should be temporarily set aside and this should be addressed as a business issue for the immediate future...there will be plenty of opportunity for ranting and raving later if the final outcome isn't satisfactory to everyone.

I would hate to have someone who hates my guts putting together my $18.000 engine...

Work on getting to "YES! That is what we wanted to happen in the first place."
I agree with Roy.

If there are issues. Give the man a chance to make it right.

$hit happens sometimes, man. What's important is to get the issues corrected.;)
Wow, this is like watching tennis. :bebored:

I respect fasstdak for coming on line. :rock: I thinking he just as concerned about the whole situation as faslane505. :confused:

I feel comfortable to say they will make sure they will make it right, or will find out what other issues might have been hidden inside that engine.
iraqivet01 said:
Wow, this is like watching tennis. :bebored:

I respect fasstdak for coming on line. :rock: I thinking he just as concerned about the whole situation as faslane505. :confused:

I feel comfortable to say they will make sure they will make it right, or will find out what other issues might have been hidden inside that engine.
I agree with you,I take my hat off to fasstdak for coming here.I think i would let him find the problem,And give it another shot.Just my .02
Anyone who can come on the forum and face the music of a bad situation and make it right has my respect. Robert is a topp notched guy and his Dealership has class. I can almost bet you they will do the right thing.
It's happened to me personally as well - had a "reputable" engine builder do some upgrades to my old V6 (yeah yeah) and made it to Baytown for the Houston Mopar Races. Wound up towing it home after breaking 1/2 of the rings in the engine (wrong ring clearances were used with the pistons). I know what Josh is going through and I definitely know the frustration.

Once we know what happened i'll let ya know. I need to talk to my manager and Robert tomorrow AM and find out what route we need to take to get the truck back for repairs.
fasstdak said:
It's happened to me personally as well - had a "reputable" engine builder do some upgrades to my old V6 (yeah yeah) and made it to Baytown for the Houston Mopar Races. Wound up towing it home after breaking 1/2 of the rings in the engine (wrong ring clearances were used with the pistons). I know what Josh is going through and I definitely know the frustration.

Once we know what happened i'll let ya know. I need to talk to my manager and Robert tomorrow AM and find out what route we need to take to get the truck back for repairs.
You seem like a stand up guy fasstdak,I already know Robert is.I am sure you can work it out.It's starting to get better already.:rock:
iraqivet01 said:
I respect fasstdak for coming on line. :rock: I thinking he just as concerned about the whole situation as faslane505. :confused:

I feel comfortable to say they will make sure they will make it right, or will find out what other issues might have been hidden inside that engine.

I agree too.

Work with them dude.............just like Roy said.

Yet another reason I do my own wrenching. Good luck faslane505, it sounds like everything will be taken care of. Hopefully they will get it right this time.

Hrmmm...why'd you bring it to a dealership with all of the Viper specialists down in that area? I'd have gone to David Weaver at A.R.T out in Buda/Austin. He'll be doing the Roe SC on my Viper in the next month or so.

Sorry to hear about your troubles and I hope everything works out for you.

A.R.T builds some really nice engines and Viper upgrades. I remember Dave from the dealership he worked at as well as one of the other tuners in this area (Pharr Out Performance - Chris Pharr - old dealer tech and service writer). They both do excellent work (but not without their own issues from time to time).
Thanks Fasstdak...

Robert (MoparConnection) is a stand up guy and will make things right! I know it is a headache for you to have to come back to Austin, but we will always welcome you back with open arms! :D