
Full Access Member
Sep 1, 2012
Reaction score
Emory, Texas
supposed to do a little work for me on Thursday but went down in his back-----soooooo, I am going to see him after church on Sunday and see if I can help him ship parts or just hold his hand. Be one of the best 260 mile round trips I have done in a long time. Truck can wait but the Dr needs help. Plus, may have some pill relief for him. :D
What happed to him

Honestly don't know how but screwed my back up again and its sciatica. It starts in my lower back, my right ass cheek feels like I was kicked by a man wearing a pointed steel toe boot, and it goes all the way to my foot with unbearable pain. Twisting to roll over in bed kills me, standing kills me. Sitting kills me. Total BS :mad:
Honestly don't know how but screwed my back up again and its sciatica. It starts in my lower back, my right ass cheek feels like I was kicked by a man wearing a pointed steel toe boot, and it goes all the way to my foot with unbearable pain. Twisting to roll over in bed kills me, standing kills me. Sitting kills me. Total BS :mad:

Crap man, sounds like my first marriage. :chain:

"The fervent prayers of the righteous availeth much." James 5:16

eEvidently there ain't too many of us on this site that are righteous. :dontknow: You still are not good. Guys, please keep praying.
There's many righteous on our forum Shorty, and thoughts and prayers seem abundant. It's up to the big man to answer them for me. I'm so ready
There's many righteous on our forum Shorty, and thoughts and prayers seem abundant. It's up to the big man to answer them for me. I'm so ready

I think Short's coming down to take you out behind the barn and shoot your ass and put you out of your pain. :D..... Hope you get feeling better soon!
Not good mate suffer with bad back fair amount was run over by a truck when was younger was working on it and my then manager told driver to move it got hit and dragged about 50 yards under trailer(you guys call them semi) needless to say young dumb and full of cum never complained or claimed for accident get well soon buddy
Honestly don't know how but screwed my back up again and its sciatica. It starts in my lower back, my right ass cheek feels like I was kicked by a man wearing a pointed steel toe boot, and it goes all the way to my foot with unbearable pain. Twisting to roll over in bed kills me, standing kills me. Sitting kills me. Total BS :mad:

I know how you fell I am having back surgery Monday hop you get better
Ouch back pain sucks.

Hopefully it heals up fast.

I know how you fell I am having back surgery Monday hop you get better

Thanks guys. Good luck 05srtCarson, I did have a discectomy 2 years ago and woke from surgery fixed and pain free. That why I'm awestruck as to why I feel the exact same way in exact same side unless I ruptured the disc above it :(
Hey V1;

Have you ever considered Inversion for your back issue?!?

Inversion for Sciatica

My Teeter Inversion table is a secret for spinal health, abdominal strength and it's relaxing.

Talk to your doctor if you don't already do this. Best wishes for a strong recovery.


Thanks! Yessir I did do the table last time before surgery as I was going to give anything a chance. It felt great while inverted, but once it was tune to get off, the weight on my leg kills me again. Figured I wouldn't buy another just to be disappointed. :(
Now as a daily stretch once I'm better I bet it'd be great. As of now I couldn't even get onto one as I can barely make it 5 feet without excruciating pain down entire right hip, leg and ankle.
Thanks for the advice though. I'm open to all suggestions.
Hope you feel better! Thoughts and prayers to you.
I have some serious Sciatica a couple years ago. I don't think mine was as bad as you describe. Sitting down helped it some, but I know it felt like an NFL hall of fame punter kicked me right square in my @ss. Rolling over in bed was the worse pain I've ever had to go through. Worse two months of my life. It doesn't take much to strain or inflame your sciatic nerve. I feel for you bro, I never want to go through that again. Maybe you just inflamed it. I hope you feel better soon.
Get well soon V1R, nothing worse then extreme back pain,,, Or maybe passing stones is more painful, see it could be worse. Take care off your health first, everything else is secondary.

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