VTCOA.com has been updated!


Click on your name on the upper right on the page and select avatar
Did we lose our personal photo gallery or have I just not found the hiding spot?
The dragon is missing half his face and tail mate?:)

Got yeah. Yeah that's one thing I dont like about XF. Doesn't just fits the image in. There might be a add on feature i can install to make the avatars bigger.

Have you tried to resize your avatar and reupload. I realize that might not be in your wheelhouse, just asking
I like the opportunity to be a supporting member. These sites take a lot of work!!
I'm not sure where my "supporting member" badge of honour is, but I'm sure it will be coming soon. :)
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Click on your name on the upper right and select Account Upgrades
Did you click on Purchase?

or, is it you can't get to the page. It works for me on both my iPhone, and laptop. No, I will not go get an android to test with
I've already purchased a while back.
No workie on the laptop nor my Android.
I went to account upgrades but there was nothing to change there.
@Shaggy rottenronnie's account did not upgrade. Active User Upgrades shows the upgrade, however the process didn't update the User Group. Please review

@rottenronnie , I manually changed your User Group