VTCoA Truck of the Year

VIPER said:
for the fokes saying NO !!!! this is why we dont have TOTM any more - witch i thinik is BS !
Sorry mate, but that's laughable at best. I voted "no" of sorts and ALWAYS backed the TOTM/TOTY. I always voted and gave my support. ;) I only voted "no" as it's a "good title" to earn. I would have liked to see it continue and have the likes of Doms truck etc in there to see these 6 or so others take on a full set of cards. Would have been nice to see this kind of urgency and enthusiasm from the members when it was dying out mid year vs. now, go figure. As I said, if this goes ahead which it seems it is, I will vote (as always) for the truck (not person) who put in the most effort and deserves the title - VTCOA Truck of (most of) the year lol. :laugh:
Carlwalski said:
Sorry mate, but that's laughable at best. I voted "no" of sorts and ALWAYS backed the TOTM/TOTY. I always voted and gave my support. ;) I only voted "no" as it's a "good title" to earn. I would have liked to see it continue and have the likes of Doms truck etc in there to see these 6 or so others take on a full set of cards. Would have been nice to see this kind of urgency and enthusiasm from the members when it was dying out mid year vs. now, go figure. As I said, if this goes ahead which it seems it is, I will vote (as always) for the truck (not person) who put in the most effort and deserves the title - VTCOA Truck of (most of) the year lol. :laugh:


i have the upmost respect for you, and please dont take my comments so literal... it was not singled out to you or any other member - it was a statment in general.

think about it - we have how many member - and how many active members here at vtcoa ?

Members: 9,157

and the best we can do on voting for our peers is 80-100 votes if were lucky ? i think letting the TOTM go was a BAD idea form the start, i didnt want to see it go - and you are CORRECT

Would have been nice to see this kind of urgency and enthusiasm from the members when it was dying out mid year vs. now

but there were a few of them that did - and nothen was said... no admin / mod even commented on the subject


would have been nice to hear from one of them... but that just my .02$

it's a "good title" to earn.

i would have loved to EARN it but was never giving the chance, not like i had a chance anyway - Blackviper will take a WELL deserved title as TOTY

opinions are like asshole everyone has one - this is just mine
Carlwalski said:
I only voted "no" as it's a "good title" to earn. I would have liked to see it continue and have the likes of Doms truck etc in there to see these 6 or so others take on a full set of cards.

I'm not really sure what your saying here,

There are 7 winners, January through July. That leave Aug, Sep, Oct and Nov as blank. There is no was to have an additional 6 or so.

I'm also confused that it can't be earned. You say that like the Winners have common stock trucks and their not earning anything, like a give-away at walmart. Each one of these guys was nominated and won there month. Dom on the other hand was not nominated. So to use him as an example is a really bad example. 05dodgesrt10 has a world class truck and desearves a chance, LoveThisTruck, well I do and his ROE is a great complement. VIPER has put a lot of work an effort into his truck, nothing common about that truck, then Pyscho Mythic has sold his truck, however, it have a very memorable history. cefeyh has a great looking Red SC, lots of work and love in that truck too. BlackViper, no offense to anyother black truck on here, but, BlackViper has one of if not the best looking back truck out there, Last but not least FastSRT19, the CE, Beautiful truck.......

This will be one hell of a contest and nothing would be considered * material here.

I'm stunned, we all find beauty and workmanship in different ways, we all vote based on our own criteria, this isn't a sanctioned autoshow with paid judges that grade the amount of dust on a bolt.

As far as the BS that killed the TOTM/TOTY, it's irrevelant. The reasons why, how come and so on have no bearing on the TOTY. One thing is for sure, my opinion probably means less than anyone elses on here, however, these guys that won, did nothing wrong, they all should be celebrated and recieve the accolades they have earned.

So why the question, good question. Is it that we as individuals believe we are always right without letting the collective have an equal and unchallenged point of view. Is it just more fun to spit on someone elses goals, because it's easy, well, quitte frankly, you spend anytime on any lasting topic and there are the unbendables... and I leave it at that

Poll will be posted shortly, good luck all

ViperJeff said:
I'm not really sure what your saying here,

There are 7 winners, January through July. That leave Aug, Sep, Oct and Nov as blank. There is no was to have an additional 6 or so.

I'm also confused that it can't be earned. You say that like the Winners have common stock trucks and their not earning anything, like a give-away at walmart. Each one of these guys was nominated and won there month. Dom on the other hand was not nominated. So to use him as an example is a really bad example. 05dodgesrt10 has a world class truck and desearves a chance, LoveThisTruck, well I do and his ROE is a great complement. VIPER has put a lot of work an effort into his truck, nothing common about that truck, then Pyscho Mythic has sold his truck, however, it have a very memorable history. cefeyh has a great looking Red SC, lots of work and love in that truck too. BlackViper, no offense to anyother black truck on here, but, BlackViper has one of if not the best looking back truck out there, Last but not least FastSRT19, the CE, Beautiful truck.......

This will be one hell of a contest and nothing would be considered * material here.

I'm stunned, we all find beauty and workmanship in different ways, we all vote based on our own criteria, this isn't a sanctioned autoshow with paid judges that grade the amount of dust on a bolt.

As far as the BS that killed the TOTM/TOTY, it's irrevelant. The reasons why, how come and so on have no bearing on the TOTY. One thing is for sure, my opinion probably means less than anyone elses on here, however, these guys that won, did nothing wrong, they all should be celebrated and recieve the accolades they have earned.

So why the question, good question. Is it that we as individuals believe we are always right without letting the collective have an equal and unchallenged point of view. Is it just more fun to spit on someone elses goals, because it's easy, well, quitte frankly, you spend anytime on any lasting topic and there are the unbendables... and I leave it at that

Poll will be posted shortly, good luck all


Jeff, not sure why you take everyones comments as throwing spears at your head, you seem to read into things FAR too much, don't take it to heart. ;) You asked for thoughts and got them. Not saying they aren't worthy trucks (far from it indeed!) and yet again you've read into things far too much. I'm glad you think Blackvipers truck is the best black truck around, that's neat. I have always backed you and your truck site, plugged it in my videos and spread the word (not for money, not for fame, to help you and these trucks get their name out there). So....if you have beef with me or if there is something I've done to "upset you", PM or email mate, you've been short to me as of late and I'm not sure why and am not a mind reader.

VIPER - You're all good mate, no dramas here man, like you, I was just voicing my opinion like everyone else on this thread, forum and site. :) I would have loved to see a full years worth of trucks fight it out, plenty of fine trucks (like Doms and co) not in the mix. Yet again, I will vote accordingly and best of luck to all of the winners throughout 2010.

You guys are lucky my truck is not up for truck of the year . With a list of mods that includes tinted headlights , long tube headers . And a faulty O2 sensor im gonna have to back out due to being broke down im my garage ..
Carlwalski said:
Jeff, not sure why you take everyones comments as throwing spears at your head, you seem to read into things FAR too much, don't take it to heart. ;) You asked for thoughts and got them. Not saying they aren't worthy trucks (far from it indeed!) and yet again you've read into things far too much. I'm glad you think Blackvipers truck is the best black truck around, that's neat. I have always backed you and your truck site, plugged it in my videos and spread the word (not for money, not for fame, to help you and these trucks get their name out there). So....if you have beef with me or if there is something I've done to "upset you", PM or email mate, you've been short to me as of late and I'm not sure why and am not a mind reader.

VIPER - You're all good mate, no dramas here man, like you, I was just voicing my opinion like everyone else on this thread, forum and site. :) I would have loved to see a full years worth of trucks fight it out, plenty of fine trucks (like Doms and co) not in the mix. Yet again, I will vote accordingly and best of luck to all of the winners throughout 2010.


Now I'm really confused. I think I made 3 posts between the begining of October up until I ask Patrick for some help on my user. then maybe 10 other posts because I got an email about the TOTY and then maybe a post or two about the registry

I have no issues with anyone, infact, I pefer to stay out of the frey

Carl, I was just responding as if we were sitting in a bar drinking gallon sized Fosters. You've always been straight up, and I trying to be straight up back to you. Like you, I'm no mind reader and I have to guess (I guess) at cetain phrases and work with it

Carl, I would love to have had 11 trucks and make it a full year of fun and excitement, however, I really can't change the past, (LOL here) on and insert shrug

So, everyone know

Carl you are cool with me.

Oh and one more thing, the comments that I've made to you in the past about your truck, still stand. I'm not wishy washy on the trucks I like. The funny part, with all the trucks out there that I really like, there is only one that is my favorite and it's long but gone

Cheers and smile Mate

ViperJeff said:
Now I'm really confused. I think I made 3 posts between the begining of October up until I ask Patrick for some help on my user. then maybe 10 other posts because I got an email about the TOTY and then maybe a post or two about the registry

I have no issues with anyone, infact, I pefer to stay out of the frey

Carl, I was just responding as if we were sitting in a bar drinking gallon sized Fosters. You've always been straight up, and I trying to be straight up back to you. Like you, I'm no mind reader and I have to guess (I guess) at cetain phrases and work with it

Carl, I would love to have had 11 trucks and make it a full year of fun and excitement, however, I really can't change the past, (LOL here) on and insert shrug

So, everyone know

Carl you are cool with me.

Oh and one more thing, the comments that I've made to you in the past about your truck, still stand. I'm not wishy washy on the trucks I like. The funny part, with all the trucks out there that I really like, there is only one that is my favorite and it's long but gone

Cheers and smile Mate


LOL!! Alllllll good mate, you know how forums are, it's fricken hard to judge someones comments on here with smiles, let alone without them! :) Sweet man, I'm probably going to vote for all of them, all nice trucks and it may not help the final (well it won't) the final outcome but still, as a last hoorah, all winners IMO. Maybe it's time to lock this thread and get on with the voting?

Cheers and beers, Carl :rock: