What ever happen to the OFFICIAL VTCOA


Full Access Member
May 19, 2006
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At one time some one was forming an Official VTCOA that was going to be recognized by Dodge and be a lagitimate organization. As far as I know that never happend and all the sudden one day we had the VTCOA web site but no official club?

So any news on this, was too much garbage spewed on the web sites and scare off Dodge?

Inquiring minds want to know :idea:
Responses to this question should be very interesting! It was a real soap opera...maybe Sickness can best describe the happenings...

Where in Wisc?

Am moving to Wadsworth IL next month...having trouble finding SRT 10 owners in northern IL...
As far as I am aware, Dodge was never really on board to support this "club". And if you think about it, why would they? They have ceased production of the truck, so it would serve them no good in regards to marketing. I honestly believe that this club was being formed as a vehicle for some to take advantage from a financial aspect. The whole thing fell apart in Houston, at least that is my understanding. There were some members that were present and could add more to this.
Well we tried to get Roketman to be president....actually offered to pay for his supercharger if he assumed the role...but he said he wasn't interested in the title.....:dontknow:
Prof said:
Where in Wisc?

Am moving to Wadsworth IL next month...having trouble finding SRT 10 owners in northern IL...

I am about 350 miles North west of you, not real close. Nothing for SRT-10's around here, I love it :rock:
Nowwhat said:
Well we tried to get Roketman to be president....actually offered to pay for his supercharger if he assumed the role...but he said he wasn't interested in the title.....:dontknow:

OUCH!!!:D :p

They all went to Houston but Roktman couldnt stay outta the gay bars....we even offered to get have Gary make him a special chrome X-metal penis pump to be the "Big Dogg" of the club......but he said no. :(
Guys in all honesty this thing never had a chance to get off of the ground. It was doomed for failure from the very inception...People Lied, people tried to cheat, There was never any contact with Dodge it was all a way for a chosen few to manipulate others and make some money....and it was never the VTCOA it was the VTCA.......Which is not associated in anyway with the Owners and staff of this site... This site was started by our own and it is run by our own, and no profit is being made by anyone............Prof I hope this answers your question :D
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There was a meeting in Houston in June that was attended by;

Myself (FSTJACK)
Steve Holden (Texas Yellow Fever)
Ken Liebich (NBT)
Adam Walker
Ken Waits (GA Ken)
Dave Breiner (Roktman)
Jamie (Rolex Dr.)
Kevin (BDIA)

I very much wanted to see a national club formed. I was asked to sit on the board.
I declined as it could have been a potential conflict of interest with my ownership position on this Forum. The board also thought that being an owner or moderrator on a forum would be a potential conflict.

There was a board of directors elected;

Steve Holden
Ken Liebich
Adam Walker
Ken Waits
Kevin (President)
Dave Breiner (Vice President)
Jamie (Secretary)

The board set up some things for the three officers (Kevin, Dave, Jamie) to do. They were to;

Compile the minutes of the meeting and send to the board members for approval and or changes.

Get an address for mailing.

File the required paper work with the State of Texas.

There was a time frame for all these things to be done by.

Nothing was done in accordance with the time limits set by the board of directors, that all agreed to. The officers did not comply to any of these things that were to be acomplished.

I have talked to the board members and all stated that the "Officers" did nothing after the Houston meeting. There was little or no communication regarding progress for anything to move this forward. The club died beacuse of nothing being done by the people that were charged with those duties.

I am sorry about how this came down. A lot of us spent money (1500.00 by me) and time to get this going, for the ball to be dropped by a few.

At the Houston meeting I felt that a few were trying to control the club and profit by it.

At this point I feel we don't really need an official club. Dodge has discontinued the Ram SRT-10 and probably has no interest in having a truck club associated with them.
We are such a strong community on this Forum, and do many good works for others, and have fun, do we need anything else?

What did happen in Houston, I was able to meet some very nice people and make some lifelong friends.

All of us that have talked about this are pretty much in agreement that things are just fine the way they are.
There was a meeting in Houston in June that was attended by;

Myself (FSTJACK)
Steve Holden (Texas Yellow Fever)
Ken Liebich (NBT)
Adam Walker
Ken Waits (GA Ken)
Dave Breiner (Roktman)
Jamie (Rolex Dr.)
Kevin (BDIA)

I very much wanted to see a national club formed. I was asked to sit on the board.
I declined as it could have been a potential conflict of interest with my ownership position on this Forum. The board also thought that being an owner or moderrator on a forum would be a potential conflict.

There was a board of directors elected;

Steve Holden
Ken Liebich
Adam Walker
Ken Waits
Kevin (President)
Dave Breiner (Vice President)
Jamie (Secretary)

The board set up some things for the three officers (Kevin, Dave, Jamie) to do. They were to;

Compile the minutes of the meeting and send to the board members for approval and or changes.

Get an address for mailing.

File the required paper work with the State of Texas.

There was a time frame for all these things to be done by.

Nothing was done in accordance with the time limits set by the board of directors, that all agreed to. The officers did not comply to any of these things that were to be acomplished.

I have talked to the board members and all stated that the "Officers" did nothing after the Houston meeting. There was little or no communication regarding progress for anything to move this forward. The club died beacuse of nothing being done by the people that were charged with those duties.

I am sorry about how this came down. A lot of us spent money (1500.00 by me) and time to get this going, for the ball to be dropped by a few.

At the Houston meeting I felt that a few were trying to control the club and profit by it.

At this point I feel we don't really need an official club. Dodge has discontinued the Ram SRT-10 and probably has no interest in having a truck club associated with them.
We are such a strong community on this Forum, and do many good works for others, and have fun, do we need anything else?

What did happen in Houston, I was able to meet some very nice people and make some lifelong friends.

All of us that have talked about this are pretty much in agreement that things are just fine the way they are.

Thanks for the run down. I have been part of clubs and an officer and know all too well about things not getting done and 1 or 2 perople having to do everything, it is always the same.
There was a meeting in Houston in June that was attended by;

Myself (FSTJACK)
Steve Holden (Texas Yellow Fever)
Ken Liebich (NBT)
Adam Walker
Ken Waits (GA Ken)
Dave Breiner (Roktman)
Jamie (Rolex Dr.)
Kevin (BDIA)

I very much wanted to see a national club formed. I was asked to sit on the board.
I declined as it could have been a potential conflict of interest with my ownership position on this Forum. The board also thought that being an owner or moderrator on a forum would be a potential conflict.

There was a board of directors elected;

Steve Holden
Ken Liebich
Adam Walker
Ken Waits
Kevin (President)
Dave Breiner (Vice President)
Jamie (Secretary)

The board set up some things for the three officers (Kevin, Dave, Jamie) to do. They were to;

Compile the minutes of the meeting and send to the board members for approval and or changes.

Get an address for mailing.

File the required paper work with the State of Texas.

There was a time frame for all these things to be done by.

Nothing was done in accordance with the time limits set by the board of directors, that all agreed to. The officers did not comply to any of these things that were to be acomplished.

I have talked to the board members and all stated that the "Officers" did nothing after the Houston meeting. There was little or no communication regarding progress for anything to move this forward. The club died beacuse of nothing being done by the people that were charged with those duties.

I am sorry about how this came down. A lot of us spent money (1500.00 by me) and time to get this going, for the ball to be dropped by a few.

At the Houston meeting I felt that a few were trying to control the club and profit by it.

At this point I feel we don't really need an official club. Dodge has discontinued the Ram SRT-10 and probably has no interest in having a truck club associated with them.
We are such a strong community on this Forum, and do many good works for others, and have fun, do we need anything else?

What did happen in Houston, I was able to meet some very nice people and make some lifelong friends.

All of us that have talked about this are pretty much in agreement that things are just fine the way they are.

Great post Jack...could not have said it better:D
I was really hoping it would take off,but, oh well. I would like to have seen Dodge get behind it as well.Again,oh well. I have been a member of several internet vehicle "clubs" and have had more contact with and help from the people here on this forum than from all of those "clubs" put together.This does seem more of a family or brotherhood ( no offense ladies ) than anything else. VTCOA :rock:
this forum is th absoulute best thing going, and to me this forum is our club. its ran by the most honest, integrity driven, God fearing guys, that i would trust my life with. period.
And don't forget I am here. LOL:D You all know how I feel about you. I am so glad to be a part of this.

Begood said:
And don't forget I am here. LOL:D You all know how I feel about you. I am so glad to be a part of this.

with wazzup and you we have our midget clause covered!:D
Too Fkn funny. thats right damnit, I am THE midget claus.

HAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAH!!!!:D.....Sorry, but midgets are FUNNY!!!!!

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