what has happened????


Active Member
Supporting Member
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
Big D
i'm goin to make a wild guess & say something has changed on the site??!!

can any one fill me inn???


no emogies???
I need to add more. Is anyone having issues posting?

is the back ground suppost to be white &7 weird stuff all over????
Seems congress has been around----always trying to fix something that does not need fixing.
I meant the site----not my friend the THEWELSHM. The old site was pretty good----I thought.
I meant the site----not my friend the THEWELSHM. The old site was pretty good----I thought.

It was pretty good in 2007.

I realize people just don’t like change. We kind of get set in our ways. What people don’t see is software that’s far more stable, reduced security risks and spam attacks and the list goes on.

I also realize that our top ten concerns are different than polls, avatars, and learning a new way of doing the same thing we’ve done for years. I also know it really doesn’t matter how much I like xenforo over vbulitin. You all have to decide if you are ready for the new platform.

Going back to that piece of shit vbulitin just isn’t going to happen
It was pretty good in 2007.

I realize people just don’t like change. We kind of get set in our ways. What people don’t see is software that’s far more stable, reduced security risks and spam attacks and the list goes on.

I also realize that our top ten concerns are different than polls, avatars, and learning a new way of doing the same thing we’ve done for years. I also know it really doesn’t matter how much I like xenforo over vbulitin. You all have to decide if you are ready for the new platform.

Going back to that piece of shit vbulitin just isn’t going to happen

I sell real estate for a living and the state changes the rules seemingly every week. We adapt. We "old" folks grew up with the phrase by Jimmy Ling "if it ain't broke don't fix it." Seems form a technical stand point the old system was indeed broken, then it needed fixing. Not sure the new format was needed to fix the tech problems but, if so, then ok. Remember, everyone has the BEST idea the way things should work or be run. Been married 40 wonderful years and daily still get surprises and changes. I adapt and move on.
I agree, if it’s not broke, don’t fix it.

It was broke..... bad

Congrats on 40 years, at 39 myself
Going on 41 here! Every day is a new deal!
As for the forum update - I didn't check the Smith and Wesson link to compare, but there is also a forum for model airplaners called RC Groups.com - that forum is set up so each thread originator can moderate his/her own thread! The OP can delete unwanted snide or otherwise unnecessary posts his or her self. If that feature can be incorporated it would be a PLUS!

My .04 cents!
I try an keep up, however, I’m interested in a reliable mod

You interested? Lol
It's a possibility could we make each thread self moderating by the original poster? ;)
BTW, I saw a spot on the bathroom floor you missed. Oh wait Maybe that was Jake (Black1) LOL LOL LOL