What's racism and what is NOT:

Django said:
Perhaps I'm still stuck in the last century... I dunno.........

This song is a good rocker, though...... Another dead guy....

.........on a remote broadcast from TADP-FM...............



You know - that brings up another thought I had - I'm surprised no one on this site has brought up a tribute to the fact that we recently lost a legend - Mr. Bo Didley. I didn't even see anything from you Mr. Tim :( I could be wrong because I know I don't read every post - especially the ones in the wee hours of the night sometimes :p

I know it's off topic, but it was on my mind

:marchmellow: :marchmellow: :marchmellow: :marchmellow:
I'm going to bed a dream about the good old days when I could visit my black brothers in Englewood anytime I wanted....and NOT GET KILLED ....

The late 60's were awesome......

Turtle said:
You know - that brings up another thought I had - I'm surprised no one on this site has brought up a tribute to the fact that we recently lost a legend - Mr. Bo Didley. I didn't even see anything from you Mr. Tim :( I could be wrong because I know I don't read every post - especially the ones in the wee hours of the night sometimes :p

I know it's off topic, but it was on my mind

:marchmellow: :marchmellow: :marchmellow: :marchmellow:

You did miss it..... I think OCBob made tribute the day he died......


Tim, I used to live on Camp Pendelton like 25 years ago. Was fun then but now ???. Any way I grew up in Military and was the only white person in 2nd and 3rd grades and 4-5 there was 1 other. I held alot of anger toward blacks for my miserable childhood. Racism runs both ways, deep. Not in all individuals but in clusters. You find most of the time a view held by the parents is inherited and bequeathed to the children. I will step out to say, having lived in many places throughout America and Japan while my dad did various trainings, that the southeastern states wear racism more openly. Desegregating schools in the sixties started an incredible growth of "private white schools" in the south, hmmmm, I wonder why. I try to remind all people that the war to end slavery was fought mostly by whites fighting each other, even brothers, fathers and mothers. You find alot of blacks dont give credit to the white people for killing each other for the rights of all to be free. The war of racism will never end though. Arlington Cemetary should be hallowed ground to (NOT just) blacks as that is the site where a major Civil War battle ocurred. Overwhelming casualties, mostly white, caused out of necessity, the Union General to order all dead, when buried, to line the driveway leading to General Lees' own home (battle was very close to his home) to prevent his wife from ever returning and thus prevent Lees return as well. Though not perfect for all, and respecting that the most populous class, color, religion or whatever will get more consideration in given situations, there is no other country where people, using an inner tube, leave family, friends, mom, dad, anything they cant carry, absolutely risk their life(!!) to float 80 miles from cuba to The Land of the Free!. The most populous class of my childhood got away with constant, unrelenting verbal and many mild physical assaults. I was often blamed as the instigator by many "witnesses" as anyone (animal or human) poked enough will finally snap.... As a 8-9 yo kid how can you handle that, and the teacher who is black also,... well I could complain forever. Shane
I don't know if I should have read through everyone's posts before commenting on this thread. I have to say that I agree with Django here. I was never one to be conscious of what I say simply because looking at my entire family background I am made up of all kinds of ethnic groups from European to Middle Eastern to South American to Asian to West Indian to Hispanic and Caribbean. My Haitian great grandmother on my father's side was blacker than Wesley Snipes. As a child I was confused, not knowing what to consider myself because everyone seemed to have to be from somewhere under some race. After growing up around Albanians, Yugoslavians, Jewish, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Blacks and Asians I took the easy, correct road and considered myself American since I was born in Manhattan (excuse me I’m feeling patriotic today)..

With that being said I’m not concerned with what blacks say when I speak because it’s in my blood. My best friend I ever had in life is black and I grew up on the streets so close to blacks I could pass for a negro if I wanted to. I found it’s not one’s color that defines them, it’s their character (like D mentioned earlier).. I’ve seen many people pull the infamous race card just because it’s an easy way out and an easy way to start some crap used to throw up a smoke screen to hide behind and obscure the truth. Many people are taught to hate and recognize skin color and such differences by their own parents that seem to have a chip on their shoulder about issues that don’t even concern them. I said this on another thread around here.. Of all the black friends I have not one of them knew a slave, was related to one or even been to Africa. None of them have the desire to go to Africa and adopt TRUE African ways of life because America is much better. But offer them a reparation check and they’ll accept it with the quickness. It’s sad.

I don’t mean to offend any of you and if I have I apologize. I just call it as I see it. I could say a heck of a lot more but I won’t. I love good people. I despise those who complain and blame “the man†for keeping them down. I despise those who fail to better themselves when they have opportunities before them that other people in the world can’t have, who consistently look for government handouts and teach their children to do the same, who look for an opportune moment to exploit a situation so they can riot and loot a store and get some free shit. This isn’t limited to Afro Americans; I know many Hispanics and Caucasians that take part in the same shit. I’ll never forget how during Hurricane Katrina I saw a female police officer in uniform stealing from a Wal-mart store like if it were okay. I’ll never forget the beautiful home in Houston I saw reduced to crap after being given for free to a needy family from Louisiana by FEMA. I’ll never forget how people, that were granted loaded debit cards from FEMA for food, chose to purchase big screen televisions and other material items instead of real essentials for which it was intended. I’ll never forget the sight of Mexican people with bandanas over their faces burning the American flag at the Mexican/American borders and waving their Mexican flag demanding to be part of America. I can’t count how many people I know who have lived in this country for longer than my entire life and haven’t, can’t and won’t learn English… But they want to be called American.

This isn’t race I am pointing my finger at.. It’s I-G-N-O-R-A-N-C-E in this country and the bitter darkside of the human heart. But in the politically correct society we live in today we must be cautious on what we say and how we say it because it may offend or open the door to some dumbass that has nothing else churning in their mind than the color of their skin wondering how they can exploit it to get what they want… Quickly saying people who think like I do is a racist. No I’m a realist and this continuing BS is real and will not go away. Especially not with the mindset of society today.
Holy Crap.................... I agree with Django......................

And Anthony, America is not nearly as racist as many other countries out there. Get into a talk with the Norwegians out there, because your not white they may not come clean but there is a reason most of the country there is white. They hate everyone else..................... so say my sources :) America has done more to stop the cycle of racism than any other nation, I believe. Starting with getting rid of slavery a tradition of man since the dawn of time.

I also believe that sometimes racism and prejudice is confused, prejudice is not bad, but when prejudiced turns to bigotry and racism then it's a different story.
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Closley watched....................

I am watching this thread and against my better judgement I am not colsing it right now.

If it turns into any for of bleeding or bashing it will be deleated............
bigike said:
Holy Crap.................... I agree with Django......................

And Anthony, ...

Holy Crap X2, I agree with BigIke!

bigike said:
I also believe that sometimes racism and prejudice is confused, prejudice is not bad, but when prejudiced turns to bigotry and racism then it's a different story.

Some interesting and insightful semantic differential it that comment.

I teach my students that discrimination is part and parcel of their future. As future leaders, decision and policy makers, they must constantly discriminate between the outstanding and the less than adequate, the motivated and unmotivated, those that can be trusted and those than cannot, the deserving employees and those that must be set aside. But when discrimination is based on bigotry, sexism, or racism that becomes immoral and in this day and age, illegal.

Nice thread.
I could really say a lot on this topic, but I don't have all day, and it would probably just get me in trouble anyway, so just a few blurbs and highlights hehe.

I have a "multi-racial" family, whatever that is supposed to mean. My OL is Laotian, our oldest 1/2 Laotian and 1/2 Vietnamese, the twins are 1/2 Laotian and 1/2 mutt (no, not that Mutt LOL), and I'm the mutt (mostly Irish/German, but there is some other shit in there too hehe). We joke about our races all the time in my house, none of us have thin skin about it.

I have been in places where racism is very real, where simply talking with members of other races will get you killed, let me assure you that every race is capable of racism.

As far as successful women are concerned, my last male boss was somewhere around 7 or 8 years ago. At my last gig, my boss was a woman, her boss was a woman, her boss was a woman, and her boss was the CEO/founder. At the gig before that my boss was a woman and her boss was a woman as well as the CEO. It can be done, at least in certain organizations.

I will also say that I need to be a little overboard here when it comes to racism, this has been determined by the reactions of many members here. So yes, things that are not blatantly racist have been deleted. I have to keep the peace. It's a thin tightrope to walk for sure and I'm sure there have been posts that were deleted that shouldn't have and vice versa. I try to take my personal beliefs out of my decisions, if that is possible, and simply do what is best for the forum.

And one more thing, I think EVERYBODY should be proud of their race and heritage, no matter what that is.
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I'm just happy this discussion didn't end in a closed thread. We are all adults here and I don't believe anyone here hates anybody.. We may get really mad and aggravated with the events that happen, but to talk about it among friends and respect each other's views, experiences and opinons is a huge step in the right direction. Bravo VTCoA.. BRAVO!
bigike said:
Holy Crap.................... I agree with Django......................

And Anthony, America is not nearly as racist as many other countries out there. Get into a talk with the Norwegians out there, because your not white they may not come clean but there is a reason most of the country there is white. They hate everyone else..................... so say my sources :) America has done more to stop the cycle of racism than any other nation, I believe. Starting with getting rid of slavery a tradition of man since the dawn of time.

I also believe that sometimes racism and prejudice is confused, prejudice is not bad, but when prejudiced turns to bigotry and racism then it's a different story.

I don't doubt the older Norwegians are that way. They look at me like I have poop on my clothing when I am walking through the streets in downtown Stavanger. But the younger crowd is different. I was invited to a harbor party a little while ago by a German guy here that I wrongfully assumed was stuck up and prejudice. I felt bad about my assumption and relieved at the same time. I'll go but first I must attend a Bachelor party I was invited to by a Norwegian buddy and his friends. Apparently they made sure they had a case of ice cold Coronas for me before asking if I would go. Damn, now that was really nice of these people. For them to go out of their way for me to feel welcomed like that I believe they HAVE come clean.

Racism and prejudice are found in many places in the world and in life, but not EVERYwhere. Thankfully, within the darkness of hate, prejudices and racism there are always pockets of friendly, open-minded light to bask in. I will enjoy myself basking when I can my friends, and KNOW to avoid the spots in life where I do not feel welcomed.
Wow, you guys think about stuff way to much...people are people

Love & have thick skin! you will be just fine!

Am I racist because I hate owning a Black truck in the desert of AZ:D

Freakin black QC's there all the same, dirty...but fast as a heck!
I own a silver one because it's considered black AND white... A Mutt... Like me. I hope that doesn't make me a racist. I just aim to fit in with everyone. Hell, I'd smoke a peace pipe with an Apache Native American Indian after gambling at his family's casino if I could.. And I don't even smoke.
Was there a fracus while I was gone...... ?

I see Jack threatened to shut this down and Bobby said he had to delete some stuff, too..... Too bad I missed it..... These are the kinds of subjects that often reveal the deepest of feelings .... Bringing out the worst in some and (thankfully) the best in others....

My purpose was to make one point and one point only...which I believe I have succeeded in doing... What happens in the meantime is also a powerful reflection of who we are......

All in all, I like who we are...... Too bad I missed dark side..... It can be (both) fun and enlightening....

BTW Ike...... I'm happy we found something (upon which) we could agree.........

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BurntRubber said:
Wow, you guys think about stuff way to much...people are people.... Love & have thick skin! you will be just fine!

I think if one picks sufficiently close enough to (the right spot on) any individual (that) they'll eventually find an "ouch"......

As a devout Christian, how would you like it if your daughter fell in love with a Muslim and (she) wanted to convert to Islam.....?

Welcome to the party...........;)

Django said:
I think if one picks sufficiently close enough to (the right spot on) any individual (that) they'll eventually find an "ouch"......

As a devout Christian, how would you like it if your daughter fell in love with a Muslim and (she) wanted to convert to Islam.....?

Welcome to the party...........;)


God gives us free will. All I can do is be obedient to what God calls me to do.

And to answer your question...I would feel much worse if she was kidnapped and brutally raped and murdered...which has happen to people. It is all in how you look at things. Any day I get to spend with my girls is a great day for me!