When 500 HP is irrelevant


Full Access Member
Dec 12, 2006
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
Good afternoon. As most of you have probably heard, we got smacked with a big storm yesterday. I am sitting here bummed that the truck is sitting outside. My companys' email server just went down (they are in Carlsbad, CA - I am in Columbus, OH) so I thought I would vent a little.

I used to have a very nice house with a killer garage. But, my wife wanted the big ass fancy house, to hell with the garage. Well, now the truck has to sit outside. At least everything else is put away.

Here are some pictures from yesterday morning. Only difference is that now it has 1/4" of ice caked all over it.

Looking forward to meeting more of you in the Spring and Summer.

Good afternoon. As most of you have probably heard, we got smacked with a big storm yesterday. I am sitting here bummed that the truck is sitting outside. My companys' email server just went down (they are in Carlsbad, CA - I am in Columbus, OH) so I thought I would vent a little.

I used to have a very nice house with a killer garage. But, my wife wanted the big ass fancy house, to hell with the garage. Well, now the truck has to sit outside. At least everything else is put away.

Here are some pictures from yesterday morning. Only difference is that now it has 1/4" of ice caked all over it.

Looking forward to meeting more of you in the Spring and Summer.


Where are they in Carlsbad.....?

I'll run over there and give 'em a piece'a your mind........

Silent D said:
Where are they in Carlsbad.....?

I'll run over there and give 'em a piece'a your mind........


Directly behind the Palomar airport, but, wait..... Great the server is NOW back up.
sweet ride, weather sucks, dog is great looking too, my sister has a male if you ever want to breed her. hes from your neck of the woods, his daddy and mother both are from ohio.
Stinker said:
DUDE! dont you have a living room?:dontknow:

hell just put a garage door into it , park it there!!LOLOL

I tried. I think I will be moving out to the guest house, with the cars.
Looks like the little one and the dog are having fun. Your wife owes you one now, next house insist on a bigger garage or no deal.

eddie102870 said:
sweet ride, weather sucks, dog is great looking too, my sister has a male if you ever want to breed her. hes from your neck of the woods, his daddy and mother both are from ohio.

Thanks, but I've got 2, they are both fixed. No breedin' here. Where in Ohio? I got the first from Utica.
Directly behind the Palomar airport, but, wait..... Great the server is NOW back up.

That's where our old office was............Right at the end of the runway.....

Or are they on Faraday Street?

Thanks, but I've got 2, they are both fixed. No breedin' here. Where in Ohio? I got the first from Utica.
would have to ask, have no idea
Stinker said:
LOLOL I live in my garage allready and come in for food and poon!:D

When I build my cabin (no time soon) the garage is going to be heated and cooled w/ loft and internet connection. Pretty much my own house I guess you could say. Only time I will come out is when the inlaws are there and to get it on. Hopefully she'll come to the garage to get it. . .
I live in texas, and I love it! I will take a 100 degree day over snow anyday!
Deibs said:
Yeah but you can't play hockey or go downhill sking in 100 degree weather. :)

And this is a big deal how?:dontknow: :dontknow: I've never even seen a snow shovel, and never will.

Richard- I'd offer up the other side of my garage, but.....your truck would stick out about 2'. :)