Why so Crazy?

Civility is a wonderful thing... It's not about always having to agree. We can discuss issues of disagreement, bring things out in the open and resolve them. But, in so doing, we also run the risk of being called troublemakers ourselves.

That's my hangup. I get accused of causing trouble just because I wanna talk about things. (go figure) "Come, let us reason together (Isaiah 1:18) says the Lord.." is a sound piece of advice. And I do my best to follow it.

Yes, there are those here who are selfish and don't care who they offend. Maybe it's me, maybe it's not. But, those who serve only to stir up strife amongst us are a plague upon this house.

But when factions are built (as they are here) groups of individuals band together and plead their case. It's a political nightmare that drives Jack and Patrick bonkers. Sometimes it gets to the point that they just wanna chuck it all, especially Jack......

I'm doing my best not to tell anyone to blow it out their ass anymore. I put 'em on ignore and try to pretend they aren't here. Some people consider me in the same manner. Good. In that way, maybe we can (as Rodney King said) "just get along"...

That's all I have to say.........


"Okay, okay, nobody's blowing anything out their ass..."

"What it means -- what it means is that I would like to blow Uncle Roman out MY ass, is what it means..."

"Why don't you just blow the whole family out your ass while you're at it, Dad?"

:D :D :D
Black1 said:
"Okay, okay, nobody's blowing anything out their ass..."

"What it means -- what it means is that I would like to blow Uncle Roman out MY ass, is what it means..."

"Why don't you just blow the whole family out your ass while you're at it, Dad?"

:D :D :D
What are you talking about Willis?:dontknow:
IH8CHVYS said:
Dom you are a POS! You allways seem to be the one causing trouble! You have crossed the line to many times but yet are still here, not sure why but you are! Remember the 1000 dollar bounty you put out there for me, remember the shit said to Denise,Eddie,Tony shit the list could go on forever! Just remember you won't spend your entire life pitching sooner or later you'll have to start catching!
message left we will see if you call;)
Django said:
Civility is a wonderful thing... It's not about always having to agree. We can discuss issues of disagreement, bring things out in the open and resolve them. But, in so doing, we also run the risk of being called troublemakers ourselves.

That's my hangup. I get accused of causing trouble just because I wanna talk about things. (go figure) "Come, let us reason together (Isaiah 1:18) says the Lord.." is a sound piece of advice. And I do my best to follow it.

Yes, there are those here who are selfish and don't care who they offend. Maybe it's me, maybe it's not. But, those who serve only to stir up strife amongst us are a plague upon this house.

But when factions are built (as they are here) groups of individuals band together and plead their case. It's a political nightmare that drives Jack and Patrick bonkers. Sometimes it gets to the point that they just wanna chuck it all, especially Jack......

I'm doing my best not to tell anyone to blow it out their ass anymore. I put 'em on ignore and try to pretend they aren't here. Some people consider me in the same manner. Good. In that way, maybe we can (as Rodney King said) "just get along"...

That's all I have to say.........


i have and never will put anyone on ignore.....all of the ones that hate me now will forget about all this over time hell maybe even over a beer hell who knows.....
505'sFastestViper. said:
i have and never will put anyone on ignore.....all of the ones that hate me now will forget about all this over time hell maybe even over a beer hell who knows.....

Dom, I don't hate you or anyone else....

I simply wish to ignore your conduct. To elaborate further would be counterproductive.

I do honestly wish you well. Someday, (as you said) maybe...over a beer...

Django said:
Dom, I don't hate you or anyone else....

I simply wish to ignore your conduct. To elaborate further would be counterproductive.

I do honestly wish you well. Someday, (as you said) maybe...over a beer...

my conduct has been changing...new thread to follow!!
hcetzneb said:
Thanks Jeff..... Alot of the older members have keeped me coming back its a very tight nit community here... I guess its just better to ignore right.

I don't put people on ignor, I just choose not to read :D
Hey Dom, ankle monitor or probation
505'sFastestViper. said:
my conduct has been changing...new thread to follow!!

Change is certainly inevitable for us all.....

Every day is a new opportunity to reinvent ourselves.... hopefully for the better.

Good luck in your life, bro.....

Good for you, on both counts

I know I changed a bunch when I put the bottle down
505'sFastestViper. said:
1 yr probation easy money i dont even drink anymore been on the wagon for a couple months now!!!!!!
And you avoided wearing pink stilettos:p Glad you are free:rock: :D :itsme:
Prof said:
"Older members" ????

Watch your mouth!

Oooooo im sorry ........... SENIOR members i ment.

HAHAHAHA Im old to i just hit 31 dam my joints hurt