Wife wants another one

Demon 8

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May 28, 2008
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Back in Florida
I have a 5 year old son going to school this August. She wants to have another child now. Anyone have 2 kids with a separation in age 6 years....did they hate each other??
All kids hate the new ones, sibling rivalry. I was 8 and 9 years older than my brothers, we got along like all brothers. My kids are 20, 7, and the twins are 3 and they all get along pretty good. The 7 year old is real good with his brothers.
My Sister is 4 years older than me, we got on real well and still do. I think it's nothing to do with age, comes down to the home they grow up in, I'm sure your kids will be fine within your environment. They get out of line, be firm, firm but fair. :)
My daughter is 11 and my son will be 5 next month. We worried a little bit about it, but actually she has done really well with him. They fight, don't get me wrong, and I think sometimes she feels we cut him a little too much slack, but we remind her of the age difference, etc. I'd say the last six months have been a little more tense between them, but some of that is just her age and wanting to be more independent from all of us, and he's still wanting to tag along everywhere. We actually the gap will help us get her out of the house and thru college before he gets to that age(i.e not have to pay for two kids in college at the same time, etc.). ;)

Hope that helps!
He (my son) has expressed interest in a brother and trying to explain its not his choice or anyones isn't quite clear to him yet. And if you were thinking he doesn't want a sister you would be correct. In the end I doubt that would matter as he ages but it's still weighing on my mind.
Me and all my brother are 6 years apart and we got and still get along great. Good Luck bro!
i'm 20 and my brother is 13 and were at it everyday i'm home from work lol buti still love the little guy
My only brother is 7 years older than I am. Used to beat the shit out of me all the time until he went into the service. Well I grew up considerably while he was away. When he came home he tried it again.

I damn near killed him.

We really do not speak much now days. I imagine that once my mom passes on that we won't talk at all.
Silverback said:
My only brother is 7 years older than I am. Used to beat the shit out of me all the time until he went into the service. Well I grew up considerably while he was away. When he came home he tried it again.

I damn near killed him.

We really do not speak much now days. I imagine that once my mom passes on that we won't talk at all.

Maybe I should keep wrapped up
Demon 8 said:
Maybe I should keep wrapped up

I don't want to make this sound like my parents were not good parents, but my dad was not at home a lot due to his job, and my mom worked the majority of the time we were growing up. There just wasn't much supervision at home.

And my brother did not want to take care of me like he was supposed to do. In retrospect, you cannot blame him as he wanted to live his life too.

I will be the first to admit, I'm an extreme case. As long as you can be there to be sure that the older cannot torment the younger, you will be fine.

Sorry, I should have added that to my first post.:eek:
My little bother is 14 years younger than me and was a pain in the ass..... and still lives at home :eek:

I won't tell you how old I am.....
If we could afford it I would keep having kids until the OL's uterus fell out LOL. They are and always will be the best thing in my life, the more the merrier.

But that may change after next weeks wedding for the youngest daughter
I got 5 kids, 2 by my marriage, 3 with my 2nd, my oldest is 14 and my youngest is 1 and a half!!!

the oldest and the youngest are two boys. and I have three girls( 3,7 & 9)
they fight like cats and dogs, but at the end of the day there all against me any way so it doesn't matter !!!
The best gift you can give a child is a sibling.

Im 30, my sisters are 28 and 21...I am just as close to the younger one as the older of the two. The gap in age wont make a difference the way you raise them will. brothers will always be brothers, and an older brother will always look out for his sister.
I dont know how to say this but something started today that tells me it didn't happen this month. We will keep practicing and see what happens...for those that met my son he is deserving of a sibling