WTF was he thinking???

SRTVENOMOUS has never even posted a pic of what he looks like Guaranteed he is about 5 2 computer nerd looking little guy hahaahah

I have met a fair share of members off here. somelook like sport truck drivers, If you can imagine what that looks like LOL.

Some don't have the look.

Most of the diesel guys with jacked up trucks around here are little skinny guys :D
Unfortunately the market doesn't care what type of truck it is or how special it may be. I just went through over a year of trying to sell my truck and deals falling through....started at $23k (which it should go for) but ended up letting it go for $17k. It's a niche market that likes these trucks or cares to even own one. Trust me I wish it was worth more in the market because I would have love to get asking price.

However, This guy is on good....actually, extremely good drugs if he thinks he will even get remotely in the ballpark of his asking price. Cut that price by 50% and he may get it.

Broncos are niche markets,too
I have been halfway trying to sell my show Bronco for months at a very reasonable price ($18,000) and it hasn't sold yet.And I see people list theirs at $30,000 and $40,000 and even higher !!!!! (I highly doubt they are actually getting that much for them,either.Mine was listed for $40,000+ and I actually paid less than half that for it):dontknow:

In the end it is supply and demand."Worth" is a relative thing.It may be "worth" a lot to the one who has it,but in the end it's "worth" is what someone is willing to pay for it. :(
Thanks !!!

Just sitting here looking out the window and checking up on the forums.
Nice to come back once in awhile :rock: