The Big Move is on!!

Kiwi SRT10

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Dec 16, 2019
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New Zealand
Our house has sold and so the big move is on. Whangarei to South Canterbury.
Pleasant Point will have it's first resident SRT10
Whether they like it or not!!
I maybe away for awhile.
There is packing and de-cluttering to do
Our house has sold and so the big move is on. Whangarei to South Canterbury.
Pleasant Point will have it's first resident SRT10
Whether they like it or not!!
I maybe away for awhile.
There is packing and de-cluttering to do
Just did Google Maps, looks like a nice quiet place. Is your home by the golf course, or on the opposite side of the road?
Told the wife I have one more move in me..retirement!..;)

Good luck on the move..that's when you find out how much stuff you have accumulated over the years.
Good luck in the new digs!
Nice quiet town with a steam train and Ford Model T Railcar.
Good roads and very little traffic. The truck will be happy there. 5min to Timaru Raceway (Levels)
End of October the Pub is re-opening.
Just did Google Maps, looks like a nice quiet place. Is your home by the golf course, or on the opposite side of the road?
Kyber St. But I will be playing golf. I have no lawn, YES!!!
Kyber St. But I will be playing golf. I have no lawn, YES!!!
LOL, lawns are nice, but also can be a pain in the rear. Enjoy the new place! Parrrrrrrrrr!!!!!! Looks like a quiet street, until you moved in with the beast, LOL! Neighbors are gonna love you...
LOL, lawns are nice, but also can be a pain in the rear. Enjoy the new place! Parrrrrrrrrr!!!!!! Looks like a quiet street, until you moved in with the beast, LOL! Neighbors are gonna love you...
Won't be long it will be just called the Point
BWAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! Go get em, Tiger, let them hear you roar!!!:D
90% packed. 3 more night shifts then 11th we are on the road.
Bit of a shame we are going to miss Get To The Point. This weekend is the big one, with stalls car shows etc Steam Train blah blah blah oh and most likely some free range eggs for sale in brown paper bags for a hideous price.
90% packed. 3 more night shifts then 11th we are on the road.
Bit of a shame we are going to miss Get To The Point. This weekend is the big one, with stalls car shows etc Steam Train blah blah blah oh and most likely some free range eggs for sale in brown paper bags for a hideous price.
Looks like good times. If you can, get some pics and post on here.:)
Our house has sold and so the big move is on. Whangarei to South Canterbury.
Pleasant Point will have it's first resident SRT10
Whether they like it or not!!
I maybe away for awhile.
There is packing and de-cluttering to do
Kiwi I presume you have settled in your new home, I hope you are having alot of fun unpacking.
Have made the voyage and are staying with good friends. Cracked wheel is off being repaired.
Move into our house 27th Nov.
Good times
Have made the voyage and are staying with good friends. Cracked wheel is off being repaired.
Move into our house 27th Nov.
Good times
All moved in and unpacked. GOOD TIMES!!! no mortgage.
Played golf the other day...was bad but not really as not really played since July
Have nice roads here. Good for land speed records lol
Settled in to my job driving milk tankers....transferred to factory 20min away. Getting to see a whole lot of the countryside.
It is so different to up north. Low humidity here with mountain range to the west. Very little rain. Good for truck lol
Close to 45Degrees South we are looking at some possible snow on the ranges over Christmas
All moved in and unpacked. GOOD TIMES!!! no mortgage.
Played golf the other day...was bad but not really as not really played since July
Have nice roads here. Good for land speed records lol
Settled in to my job driving milk tankers....transferred to factory 20min away. Getting to see a whole lot of the countryside.
It is so different to up north. Low humidity here with mountain range to the west. Very little rain. Good for truck lol
Close to 45Degrees South we are looking at some possible snow on the ranges over Christmas
Good deal, enjoy your new place! Did you get the rim repaired?

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