Drag Week

You can't see the times on this feed.
Disregard apparently the camera was unmanned at the beginning.
Dom just ran a 9.83 on a very scary run. Anyone else see it?
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He was all sorts of sideways out of the hole.
Yep, I was worried it was going to end up in the wall. It looks to me like the track is stickier and making a difference in how the front rises and settles down.

How is your feed?
Really choppy, no where near as good as yesterday, how about you?
I moved to the youtube link from Hot Rod's page earlier and it was still choppy.
Running a 13 second car next to an 8 second car really puts things in perspective!
a smoke show is never a good sign. If you hear from him Chris let us know what happened.
I'll keep ya'll posted, for sure. VENOMOUS1 will be there shortly and I'll hit him up for updates too.

Watching Dom do this makes me want to swap a TH400 into mine, spray it hard, and see what it will do. We really need more 10 second '10's.
First run he almost put it in the wall and went 9.83
If my wife will get a good job so I dont have to keep giving her money to pay her bills mine would get the build I want.

Each to their own, I guess. My wife stays home and I make money so she can pay OUR bills. Last I checked she wasn't siphoning fund to build a hot rod, but I was.

Wish I knew what they were cleaning off the track.
I have had the live feed up since 445 this morning and it just now started working. Stupid work internet :mad:

You will be able to rewatch the video after the day is up. Logs of guys on the HotRod forums were complaining that their feed was not working either. Sucks!