vendor advice thread

Sounds good, will check back latter, I'm not allowed to eat popcorn

Hope this all works out for the best for all parties
Welsh, I have read Jeff's posts and can't see how you think he is choosing either side. Seems to be playing neutral and just trying to figure out which vendor.

re read mate your lost... I didn't say he was picking a side Jeff erroneously considered I was referencing another forum.

Nevertheless looking out for the consumer, you can choose whatever..

Sounds good, will check back latter, I'm not allowed to eat popcorn

Hope this all works out for the best for all parties

I wish I was sure of Heaven?.......... It will But again all vendors on this site need to tighten up if it pertains to them mate? I think all members would agree?

I guess this is where the disconnect is Jeff, I never put or mentioned this thread on " vipers of the world"? And if it is indeed what you state? would have been a good call.


I also mentioned the SRT10forum which is the other RAM SRT-10 forum. There really is only 3.

So I was considering VTCoA, SRT10Forum and VOTW. So I was just trying to consider what vendor, you used the word forums (more than 1), and whom (Vendors) might that include. If it's who I think it is, I might not be able to comment further
I also mentioned the SRT10forum which is the other RAM SRT-10 forum. There really is only 3.

So I was considering VTCoA, SRT10Forum and VOTW. So I was just trying to consider what vendor, you used the word forums (more than 1), and whom (Vendors) might that include. If it's who I think it is, I might not be able to comment further

We will talk..... But the BS with some vendors has to stop on this forum.....

My 02

I would really like to know who this is.
I wonder how many people have had similar issues with the same vendor and have not spoken up about it in hopes of getting their money back / products delivered, etc?
Good morning all. :eek: This thread is about me. Paul has 100% right to be upset and is correct I need some tightening of my work getting things out faster. :(
Long story short, Paul desired a pair of custom dipped valve covers to be under his tree Christmas Day as a gift from his family and I didn't deliver on time. I had cores and didn't charge him a core charge as he's a respected member of the forum and I was sure he'd send his ugly stock covers as soon as he installed ours. So I dug through boxes (in process of moving at the time as some of you know) and found a pair and began stripping. The order was placed December 8th and I assured him I could get them done and under the tree for him and he'd have time during the holiday to install them being he was off work. I failed to deliver due to being unhappy with the dipping process and having to redo from the beginning each time. Unfortunately with custom anything, especially painting/dipping, there is a chance for error and I didn't factor that in as I rarely have issues with film layout. This time bit me in the ass hard. :( As of this past weekend, I spoke with Paul and let him know they shipped and would be in his hands Tuesday or Weds. They didn't make it yesterday so would assume he has them today. I told him also that I had no issue fully refunding him if he preferred, he just simply ship covers back. I asked that he give my apologies to his wife as well, being she wanted his gift under the tree as well and submitted payment. I sent pics of his covers Saturday as well. Parts were insured and if they don't arrive today then a claim will be submitted with UPS.
The reason of Paul's post is respected and truthful. I need to tighten ship. Understand and appreciate your demand. As of today (should they arrive and not be lost in UPS hands) they'll be 12 days late and that's unacceptable and I apologize. Although the holidays, my moving, and many other factors were at play, I should've thought it out better and told you I couldn't promise them by Christmas, where if another vendor could you could've chosen that route. Paul I apologize again and assure you it was a matter of circumstances and not a case of "wrong doing".
Sincerely ,
as a small business owner, that's a tough spot to be in for anyone...
and props for the explanation...

delays are delays - whether they're in our control or not... and that sucks for everyone...

hopefully this clears it up and paul's happy...
as a small business owner, that's a tough spot to be in for anyone...
and props for the explanation...

delays are delays - whether they're in our control or not... and that sucks for everyone...

hopefully this clears it up and paul's happy...

I thought Scotty's post was pretty classy. You, however, don't get a pass from me. Now get back to work!:D
Hmmmm, as the alter ego of Scott :dontknow:I must say that each and every time he has said something would happen-----it did. He has done maybe 15K worth of work and never one time disappointed. We all make mistakes and it takes a real man to admit and a real big man to forgive.

Haha, I will watch Scott from no one though. :D
Hope this works out for you. I think you approached this just the way that you should have - share your disappointment about the situation without revealing the vendor's name and give them an opportunity to respond to the problem with a little public pressure. I think the vendor's response was the spot on as well. I would not have expected it to be this way - I figured that you would get a response and resolution offline in hopes that the vendor's name wouldn't be revealed. Thumbs up to both parties for (hopefully) resolving this.
Good morning all. :eek: This thread is about me. Paul has 100% right to be upset and is correct I need some tightening of my work getting things out faster. :(
Long story short, Paul desired a pair of custom dipped valve covers to be under his tree Christmas Day as a gift from his family and I didn't deliver on time. I had cores and didn't charge him a core charge as he's a respected member of the forum and I was sure he'd send his ugly stock covers as soon as he installed ours. So I dug through boxes (in process of moving at the time as some of you know) and found a pair and began stripping. The order was placed December 8th and I assured him I could get them done and under the tree for him and he'd have time during the holiday to install them being he was off work. I failed to deliver due to being unhappy with the dipping process and having to redo from the beginning each time. Unfortunately with custom anything, especially painting/dipping, there is a chance for error and I didn't factor that in as I rarely have issues with film layout. This time bit me in the ass hard. :( As of this past weekend, I spoke with Paul and let him know they shipped and would be in his hands Tuesday or Weds. They didn't make it yesterday so would assume he has them today. I told him also that I had no issue fully refunding him if he preferred, he just simply ship covers back. I asked that he give my apologies to his wife as well, being she wanted his gift under the tree as well and submitted payment. I sent pics of his covers Saturday as well. Parts were insured and if they don't arrive today then a claim will be submitted with UPS.
The reason of Paul's post is respected and truthful. I need to tighten ship. Understand and appreciate your demand. As of today (should they arrive and not be lost in UPS hands) they'll be 12 days late and that's unacceptable and I apologize. Although the holidays, my moving, and many other factors were at play, I should've thought it out better and told you I couldn't promise them by Christmas, where if another vendor could you could've chosen that route. Paul I apologize again and assure you it was a matter of circumstances and not a case of "wrong doing".
Sincerely ,

Well this pisses me off more than you know.... You didn't learn your lesson from me Scott because I didn't exploit you??? "No issue fully refunding", well that's a bunch of bullshit.... I've been waiting on my refund that you promised me for about 10-11 months, NEVERMIND the fact that it took you 7 MONTHS to get my intake back to me, YES 7 MONTHS!!! And before you shoot your mouth off I have every message saved that went back and forth between us. I originally felt bad exploiting you but if you are going to continue to fuck people over (which I don't think you could fuck anybody over as bad as you did to me) I have no problems putting this up on the forum to protect the rest of the members on here.
Going through my phone now... You received my intake on Nov 19 2013. Last time I tried to contact you to see if you sent me my refund was July 8th 2014. Then I finally realized what kind of person you are. Now it's 2015 and still no refund.
The Drama is never over.
I do like how most thought it was someone else. :confused:

Growing pains of business. You know where the problems lie, now time to work on them. Not that this is any excuse, but helps with fixing it.
That's only because he still owes me money, however, I should have known better, so that's on me
Going through my phone now... You received my intake on Nov 19 2013. Last time I tried to contact you to see if you sent me my refund was July 8th 2014. Then I finally realized what kind of person you are. Now it's 2015 and still no refund.

Ok man, first off you initially were in no rush to get this intake manifold back and said you had a build going on. Your intake was ported/polished and coated and delivered to you. Once again that does take time and I should've been faster.
The refund was for an interior weld slag removal from the plenum welding that we both felt needed more grinding/removal and you had done by a shop of your choosing. I told you I'd take care of that and had every intent. Again, no excuse on my part as you're correct, we last talked in July and a refund was not issued according to my checks issued. I have truly forgotten about this and being a one-man show and not having been reminded by anyone it's long ago been forgotten. As any small business owner can relate, there's a point where you need help but aren't at that point budget wise, that things slip into the cracks and out of site out of mind. Again, no excuses, send me a PM with info and let's get it resolved ok.
I know each and every one of you have jobs and have hard days at work as well. Understand that my job not only includes getting parts out in a timely manner, but producing the parts, ordering parts, talking on the phone with y'all, answering y'all's PMs, texts, FB messages. Not to mention boxing, shipping, talking to my vendors, creating new parts, and wrenching on customers rides.
I'm worn real thin and being a single daddy and her being my most important job, makes things tough at times. To think I "feast happily" on the little I make when all is said and done is far from reality. To think I'm happy with making these trucks faster and better looking while making ends meet is what is realism.
Regardless, I'm not perfect, but to be slain as "doing folks wrong" isn't my character and I'm sure most agree.
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The Drama is never over.
I do like how most thought it was someone else. :confused:

Growing pains of business. You know where the problems lie, now time to work on them. Not that this is any excuse, but helps with fixing it.

Truth. I know things will be slightly easier on my brain when I can hire a hand, but right now isn't quite tine for that and when it is, finding that individual will be like finding a needle in a haystack. I trust nobody to work on customers rides other than me :(

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