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  1. F

    Other than suncoast...

    I've been reading up on it here, and it sounds like most of y'all went to suncoast or DC for the transmission upgrades. I think I read of one or two folks going elsewhere, but that's about it. Has anyone else had luck with 'other guys'? Cant really justify driving out to suncoast or...
  2. F

    RBQ to RB1

    Hey guys, I'm lookin at switchin the RBQ in my truck (05 qc) with a RB1. From what I read it looks like this is a pretty easy DIY, and the best place to pick up an RB1 for a good price is ebay. Does everyone pretty much agree, or are there any other ideas out there? 'preciate the input. CJ
  3. F

    New Member, Little Rock AR

    What's up everyone? Finally pulled the trigger and bought a used silver 05 quad cab this week. Went up to Kansas and drove it home on monday-my face hurt from smiling for the first 3 or 4 hours straight. Thank you to those who chimed in about the other truck I was looking at in NJ-I decided...
  4. F

    Trans question

    Hey guys, First post here-I'm lookin at buyin an 05 quad cab out of Jersey. The truck has 125 miles on it, but i did some lookin around and found out it already had the tire balance issue worked on and the transmission rebuilt. Is that something that once it's fixed is fixed, or is this...