Search results

  1. Black Nasty

    Pants vs. Panties

    Mike was going to be married to Karen so his father sat him down for a little chat. He said, 'Mike, let me tell you something, on my wedding night in our honeymoon suite, I took off my pants, handed them to your mother, and said, 'Here - try these on.' She did and said, 'these are...
  2. Black Nasty

    Should Be Hung!

    On Saturday afternoon, I was sitting in my lawn chair, drinking beer and watching my wife mow the lawn. The neighbor lady from across the street was so outraged that she came over and shouted at me, 'You should be hung!' I took a drink from my can of Miller Lite, wiped the cold foam from...
  3. Black Nasty

    The Lawnmower's Broken

    Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right and the other is usually the husband. When our lawn mower broke and wouldn't run, my wife kept hinting to me that I should get it fixed. But somehow I always had something else to take care of first: the truck, the car...
  4. Black Nasty

    Tennis Elbow

    A man went to the doctor to get a double dose of Viagra, but his request was denied. 'Why can't I have a double dose?' the man asked. 'It's not safe,' the doctor replied. 'But I need it really bad,' the man explained. 'My girlfriend is coming into town on Friday, one of my ex's will be...
  5. Black Nasty

    My New Bundle of Joy

    Hey All, :hello: I recently added a stock 04 Blk RC with 20k miles to my stable and lovin every minute of it. :rock: Looking forward to :bs:ing with you guys/gals on here. Here are a few quick pics I shot last weekend. Not the best pics, but I think we we all know what a stock...