Search results

  1. SpeedMaestro

    Help..Need a tuner...

    That sounds like WISE words from someone who's "been around the track!" I wish I could find a worthy tuner Paxton installer near Sacramento, CA. The nearest I know is in Los Angeles, 8 hours away. : (
  2. SpeedMaestro

    Looking for Supercharger install near Sacramento

    Even for me that would be hard to calculate.... But you can start here and it may give you an idea " To ViperJeff: REALLY nice LINK! Thanks! From: Sacramento's SpeedMaestro
  3. SpeedMaestro

    2005 QC SRT-10

    FL to CA Congratulations on your new purchase! If you like Ram Trucks, you are going to LOVE this! There is NOTHING like it. Where are you from in CA, and what is your new ride like? --Sacramento's Speed Maestro 2005 Red QuadCab (Stock, so far).
  4. SpeedMaestro

    Looking for Supercharger install near Sacramento

    To ViperJeff: REALLY nice LINK! Thanks! From: Sacramento's SpeedMaestro!
  5. SpeedMaestro

    Looking for Supercharger install near Sacramento

    Question Does anyone know the ratio of 2dr. vs. 4dr. rides, for members of this Viper Truck Club Forum?
  6. SpeedMaestro

    Ran an L and got nailed with a $323.50 ticket

    War stories! $300+ for a racing ticket may be "lucky", but it's still a cr@pper! If you didn't have a long record, it wouldn't have hurt the cop to give a little SLACK! Anyhow, I guess $300 is a small price to pay for a "Lifetime story"! We've all got to have a few. ; ) Signed: Been...
  7. SpeedMaestro

    Looking for Supercharger install near Sacramento

    Jacksonville?! That's a LONG WAY from Sacramento! I'm glad to see another SRT-10 fan with a 4-door! I don't know what the STAT's are, but we are DEFINITELY the minority. Thanks for the reply.
  8. SpeedMaestro

    New Member, New Owner

    Gentlemen! RED trucks rule! You must all know that the ladies like RED! And, keeping them HAPPY is 90% of life! ; )
  9. SpeedMaestro

    Valentine 1 radar detector

    Good Radar Detector website Here is a great Radar Detector website, the best I've seen. It gives lots of info and some comparisons. (I've got an older Escort Solo 2 cordless, and still love it!)
  10. SpeedMaestro

    2009 VTCoA Truck of the Year - Vote Now!

    I love these Trucks! Wow! Every truck entered is worth of a prize! I love all of the MOD's. But,.... there is something about a RED truck. I've got to vote for November. I particularly like the black stripe and bedcover. Honorable mention to April. Nice going...
  11. SpeedMaestro

    Looking for Supercharger install near Sacramento

    Supercharger is Imminent THANKS for the welcome & encouragement. I've got much to learn yet on how to get what I want, so I'll study the threads... Ultimately, I'll hand over some $$$$ to a reputable shop and let them make the critical decisions. Other QUESTIONs: (1)If I make a 4 to 8...
  12. SpeedMaestro

    Looking for Supercharger install near Sacramento

    Hello V10 fans! This is my first post, and I thought I'd begin by starting a new thread. I've got a RED 2005 Ram SRT/10 4-door. I love this truck, but it is so heavy that I want (need!) more HP!! I was thinking of an additional 200-300. I know any more than that will involve beefing up...