2009 Economic stimulus ?'s......

Kind of like two thirteen year-old k\kids in the back seat at the drive-in...I agree, no one really has a grip...

All we can do is hope that it helps...we really have already abdicated to our elected representatives.
Prof said:
So you are the one person in the country that has read it?

How can you say that it is shameful? I guess what you mean is that you believe that the people who say that it is shameful are correct.

I have not read it and it may well be shameful...but how can we pass judgment based on the comments of a few politically motivated people?

I think the point that no one has read the bill is not all that strange...very few if any legislators ever read the full text of legislation. It is the same in every organization...how many CEO's of even small corporations even read the details of the loans they take out...the deals they agree to, the contracts they sign...most delegate parts to the appropriate staff people and get opinions from the trusted staff...

Any of you that have run decent sized organizations understand the role, it is not, I repeat not, to know every detail...it can't be done. You hire good people and trust their opinions.

The bill may be terrible but to agree with a opportunistic politician that sees a huge leadership void in the Republican party as he rails about 1100 pages of a bill...you need to get a grip...and view the situation for what it is...a political tactic to provide a basis for attacking if and when the bill fails to do everything that some hope it will do. Seriously not a bad tactic, but it is not an attack on the legislation, it is a posturing for future potential leverage.

"The President himself had not read the bill" Prof, It would appear He is pedalling a special intrest bill for the good ole boys in DC. As John Mc Cain stated today, " This bill being passed amounts to Generational Theft" I hope for all that the alleged stimulus works:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:

Prof said:
Kind of like two thirteen year-old k\kids in the back seat at the drive-in...I agree, no one really has a grip...

All we can do is hope that it helps...we really have already abdicated to our elected representatives.

The way you state things Roy it would seem you know exactly what your left hand is doing. Bwhahahahahahahah:p :p :D ;) ;) :marchmellow:
"The President himself had not read the bill" Prof, It would appear He is pedalling a special intrest bill for the good ole boys in DC. As John Mc Cain stated today, " This bill being passed amounts to Generational Theft" I hope for all that the alleged stimulus works:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:


I would bet that John McCain has the least amount of appreciation for the bill. Was he not the one that was extolling the virtues of our economy the day before the bottom fell out??? I hate to say this but have said it before...he is just too old...and he is my age!
Prof said:
I would bet that John McCain has the least amount of appreciation for the bill. Was he not the one that was extolling the virtues of our economy the day before the bottom fell out??? I hate to say this but have said it before...he is just too old...and he is my age!

Maybe Roy but I manage a $60m company, I wont make a call or allow a proposal, ruling etc without understanding, reviewing what My collegues are proposing. This individual , by his own admittance has not read it is pushing this bill ( Pres Obama) wouldnt that be reckless?, c'mon Roy even you can see that this is pandering to the left,

Hope that mouse on the west coast does ok out of it?:D :D :D :D

Prof said:
I would bet that John McCain has the least amount of appreciation for the bill. Was he not the one that was extolling the virtues of our economy the day before the bottom fell out??? I hate to say this but have said it before...he is just too old...and he is my age!

Are you saying that because of your age you are probably wrong, so we should ignore your input here?:p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p


LOL Roy, I can't believe you set yourself up like that!!! :D :D You must be tired.:p :p :p :p

Seriously though, what is the difference in this stimulus bill and a person that is feeling sick then goes to the medicine cabinet and just starts gobbling pills without even reading the labels because it is,"Medicine"?:dontknow:

supercar1of1 said:

LOL Roy, I can't believe you set yourself up like that!!! :D :D You must be tired.:p :p :p :p

Seriously though, what is the difference in this stimulus bill and a person that is feeling sick then goes to the medicine cabinet and just starts gobbling pills without even reading the labels because it is,"Medicine"?:dontknow:


:congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: I have got to hear this one???????:D :D

Tork_MoNsTeR said:
Im not really up to date on how this stimulus package is actually going to fall into play and work...... Would someone like to break it down for me????:confused: :confused: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :eek: :eek:

It sounds to me like a reach around!!!:eek:
supercar1of1 said:

Seriously though, what is the difference in this stimulus bill and a person that is feeling sick then goes to the medicine cabinet and just starts gobbling pills without even reading the labels because it is,"Medicine"?:dontknow:


I guess Roy is stumped on this one, anybody else wanna give a shot at the above qustion?;)

Nope went to bed. But I have no energy to read 1100 pages unless there is a lot of sex mixed in. And neither does McCain or for that matter President Obama.

"Maybe Roy but I manage a $60m company, I wont make a call or allow a proposal, ruling etc without understanding, reviewing what My collegues are proposing."

Is that not exactly what I said...no chief executive has read the bill, neither has any Congressperson or Senator. All rely on the input of the experts, as opposed to reading the detail themselves.

"This individual , by his own admittance has not read it is pushing this bill ( Pres Obama) wouldnt that be reckless?, c'mon Roy even you can see that this is pandering to the left..."

And the cited video is of a person who voted against the bill not having read it ...is that not pandering to the right?

I doubt that there is a person in this country that will ever read the entire bill...that is just not the way we as a country work...does that mean that no one will understand it...probably, but 99% of those who are to vote will vote anyway. And we gave them that authority.

And yes John, if I opine on a 1100 page piece of legislation you should assume that I did not have the energy to read it.

My point being, that everyone here and all of our elected leaders rely on the input of staff for their data, I bet that John McCain has never read a full legislative bill...and his age has a lot to do with the fact that he will never do so.
Prof said:
Nope went to bed. But I have no energy to read 1100 pages unless there is a lot of sex mixed in. And neither does McCain or for that matter President Obama.

"Maybe Roy but I manage a $60m company, I wont make a call or allow a proposal, ruling etc without understanding, reviewing what My collegues are proposing."

Is that not exactly what I said...no chief executive has read the bill, neither has any Congressperson or Senator. All rely on the input of the experts, as opposed to reading the detail themselves.

"This individual , by his own admittance has not read it is pushing this bill ( Pres Obama) wouldnt that be reckless?, c'mon Roy even you can see that this is pandering to the left..."

And the cited video is of a person who voted against the bill not having read it ...is that not pandering to the right?

I doubt that there is a person in this country that will ever read the entire bill...that is just not the way we as a country work...does that mean that no one will understand it...probably, but 99% of those who are to vote will vote anyway. And we gave them that authority.

And yes John, if I opine on a 1100 page piece of legislation you should assume that I did not have the energy to read it.

My point being, that everyone here and all of our elected leaders rely on the input of staff for their data, I bet that John McCain has never read a full legislative bill...and his age has a lot to do with the fact that he will never do so.

But isn't that one of the reasons we are in the mess we are in in the first place?

Sure is John, but I don't think we (you and I and the rest of the country) have done anything to change the situation.
Prof said:

My point being, that everyone here and all of our elected leaders rely on the input of staff for their data, I bet that John McCain has never read a full legislative bill...and his age has a lot to do with the fact that he will never do so.

It's a sad truth.... Why do we VOTE for people that never read or understand legislation, let alone VOTE on said legislation? :dontknow: Why do the "staff" have the duty of writing such legislation, knowing full well they are not ELECTED representatives of the Union? :confused: I guess, what you are saying is, there are hourly paid staff members that haven't been elected by the people of this Country writing legislation and inserting verbage that is not understood or cared about? How are these people being regulated? Are they being paid by special interest groups? .........

If I were a Congressman, and have not seen a $770 MILLION piece of legislation... not even had a CHANCE to read it, even if I wanted to.... I would most certainly vote "NO" to pass such legislation. Wouldn't you? :confused: :dontknow:
Probably not Jake. As logical as your statement seems to be, the consensus of the politicians and the experts is that doing nothing is probably the only sure bad decision.

Much of what we do may be wasted, but to do nothing soon will probably be worse...or maybe not...do any of us really know? I too am weary of the issue...and I guess due to my age I have become exhaused by the political pushing and shoving...
Prof said:
Probably not Jake. As logical as your statement seems to be, the consensus of the politicians and the experts is that doing nothing is probably the only sure bad decision.

Much of what we do may be wasted, but to do nothing soon will probably be worse...or maybe not...do any of us really know? I too am weary of the issue...and I guess due to my age I have become exhaused by the political pushing and shoving...

It's not a 'age' issue, Roy..... as I am just as tired. :dontknow: And I'm only 1/10th your age! :eek: ........ :D ;) :p

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