2nd kill with my truck!


Full Access Member
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
I hope kill threads are allowed! If not I apologize in advance!

I had my 2nd kill tonight (the 1st is not worth mentioning as it was a Nissan Titan).

On the way home from the movies with my GF I ran a Mitsu Evo 8 (only mod I could see was an exhaust). Ran him from a ~50 MPH roll and pulled on him about 1/4 truck length to 90 MPH (I let him hit it first). Then ran him from light and I got out in front immediately as the light changed (powerbraked to about 1500 RPM's) about 1/2 truck length then he made all that up by the top of his 1st gear, once he shifted into 2nd I started pulling on him. By ~90 MPH he was at about my back wheel at which point I let off. He quickly made a right at the next light;)

I was very impressed considering my truck is 100% stock:)

This, of course, happened in a deserted road in Mexico;)
Very nice! Well done.

I had a little suprise myself - not a kill but fun nonetheless.

I made a left turn in busy race traffic here near Lowes Motor Speedway Saturday morning, and had to go quickly in a small gap between a few cars. I didn't really gun it all that hard, but I ended up power-sliding it into my left turn. Caught me a bit off guard, but as I realized it was happening I just gunned it more and rode out an awesome long 2-tire poweslide burnout. Scared the crap out of the folks in the turn lane next to me. Left two beautiful long and wide black stripes!

Very nice kill. I hear those EVO's are quick. I haven't even seen one in my area.
