5 years ago


Full Access Member
May 19, 2006
Reaction score
It was 5 years ago that I bought my truck. My life has changed in so many ways because of buying it.

I sometimes wonder where I would be if I had not bought it. And all I can think of is, it brought me my wonderful wife, and all the great friends that I have met because of it.:rock:

It may be 5 years old, but it still looks brand new.

Begood said:
It was 5 years ago that I bought my truck. My life has changed in so many ways because of buying it.

I sometimes wonder where I would be if I had not bought it. And all I can think of is, it brought me my wonderful wife, and all the great friends that I have met because of it.:rock:

It may be 5 years old, but it still looks brand new.

Alot of things have happened in the last five years Bill, and meeting you was one of the best:rock: :rock: :rock:
DITTO BILL! five years for me this past jan.:rock: although i haven't met anyone face to face from the forum (other than HISS),i feel like ive' known ya'll for ever.:D
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I've only had my truck for 5 months and have only been on here for a few weeks. So far this has been a great experience. I look forward to having my truck for 5 years and keeping it like new. I have never been to a GTG but I guess it's just something else to look forward to.
We are glad to have you and Alex as friends for sure. We enjoyed your visit, and you guys are welcome here anytime!
2 years here and i can says this place has givin me new friends.....an some times new girls friends! an frequent flashings on the interstate!
Tooloe said:
2 years here and i can says this place has givin me new friends.....an some times new girls friends! an frequent flashings on the interstate!

it doesnt count when they are 45 and weight 350lbs :p :D

dam 5 years of owning a 10 :rock: congrats on still haveng it
Don't know you, personally, but it's a nice post...it makes you think! These trucks may be 5 years old but I always got that it looks new!
cant remember how long its been for me but it's been a great journey and brought me a lot of true friends. its an honor to call you my friend bill:rock: great post:D
also its a honor to have been able to meet and interactive with people from all sorts of backgrounds. I never would have imagined a truck would have such a diverse following. i really cant imagine how different our lifes would have been had we not bought this truck.

I still remember the first day I prepped the first one in AZ for sale for a few bucks shy of 60k...At that time was only making 8.50@hr and could only dream of ever owning such a rig...who would of thought
Great post Billy,this november I will have my truck for four years,thanks to it I have meet some of the best people on earth.
I've only had mine for about 2.5 months and it has already taken me to my first track day/GTG, and allowed me to meet a great bunch of guys and girls. I'm looking forward to a long beautiful relationship........ and maybe some freeway flashers!
NorCal SRT-10 said:
I've only had mine for about 2.5 months and it has already taken me to my first track day/GTG, and allowed me to meet a great bunch of guys and girls. I'm looking forward to a long beautiful relationship........ and maybe some freeway flashers!
I'm with you. Hell, before I even got my truck, I met some truly genuine people. And, I'm sure I will meet many more.
The trucks are great but the lifelong friendships we have made here are the greatest.

Bill when you gonna move that new family of yours back down to Gods country???:D :D
The trucks are great but the lifelong friendships we have made here are the greatest.

Bill when you gonna move that new family of yours back down to Gods country???:D :D

Hopefully some day soon :D :D :D
Begood said:
It was 5 years ago that I bought my truck. My life has changed in so many ways because of buying it.

I sometimes wonder where I would be if I had not bought it. And all I can think of is, it brought me my wonderful wife, and all the great friends that I have met because of it.:rock:

It may be 5 years old, but it still looks brand new.


I love you with all my heart! I am so glad you decided to buy that truck, 5 years ago!!
I happy to know that you, Alex and Wil are out there, bro....

So many miles away, but so near and dear in my heart.....

This month marks five years for me too Bill. A lot of great stuff has happened over these 5 years. When you think about it, it truly is amazing how so many people have come together through the two sites and still stop in daily. Back in the day we were lucky if there were ten new threads!

I just turned 14k miles. How many do you have now?

4 years for me and counting.. #1900 just turned 51k miles and she still looks and drives fresh as a spring breeze. I have no doubt in my mind that my life has changed for the better after making that purchase in August 2005. I surely wouldn't be here now amongst you good people whom I would have NEVER had the pleasure of meeting or conversing with otherwise. I think I started a thread about it a while back. Makes me misty-eyed in a ghey way. But still most people see buying an automobile as a mere purchase. I see mine as an investment in life and friends. I love this place and all its members.
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