Amero.. new curency??

Venom Power said:
This is a sign of the quickly approaching end times. One world currency.. A saviour steps up and solves Mid East problems with his tongue.. Then, when he's trusted and recognized as a true leader he'll move to establish a one world government.. Take charge and rise up against the people.. Everyone will be forced to receive the mark of the beast.. It's been repeatedly said for so long..

........ Scary isn't it......

I'm with Timmy. I'll go down in a blaze of glory instead of living my life in servitude. :mad:

I would highly suggest you all go out and get your Concealed Carry Weapons Permit if you can. Then take some training and tactics classes..... it doesn't matter how MANY guns you have, if you can't USE them to their fullest extent.

The end isn't "near"..... but, it isn't that far away either. :mad:
I'd like to be around to shoot it out with all'a you MFrs.....

But in the words of Pete Townsend, "I hope I die before I get old"....

Venom Power said:
This is a sign of the quickly approaching end times. One world currency.. A saviour steps up and solves Mid East problems with his tongue.. Then, when he's trusted and recognized as a true leader he'll move to establish a one world government.. Take charge and rise up against the people.. Everyone will be forced to receive the mark of the beast.. It's been repeatedly said for so long..

Glad to hear you will not be fooled by the First Rider on The White Horse:rock: And no one can make you recieve the mark in your hand our your head,:rock: :rock: :D :)
includemeout said:
Glad to hear you will not be fooled by the First Rider on The White Horse:rock: And no one can make you recieve the mark in your hand our your head,:rock: :rock: :D :)

híppos leukós ain't got shit on me.... ;)
wheredwhogo? said:
you need to watch this doc.....answer all your questions as to where we are headed.....enjoy..

A lot of info............
and sad about what happened to presidents of other countrys..the same hapened in mexico w/ the candidate to the presidency Mr. Colosio... but I think the mexican goverment are the ones who took him out...

I just saw another video sayng that Cheney and Bush are cousins and bush and Obama are 11th cousins too....all them members of the CFR..... don't even know what to believe...
includemeout said:
Glad to hear you will not be fooled by the First Rider on The White Horse:rock: And no one can make you recieve the mark in your hand our your head,:rock: :rock: :D :)

It's so funny how close the "White Horse" sounds like the "White House..." So funny I just can't bring myself to laugh.:mad: And our mark? For Americans it's our SS# and credit.. for now...

WTF HAVE WE ALLOWED OUR GOVERNMENT TO DO TO US?? This country.. This great nation is less than 240 years old and this is occurring?

There are other countries where their civilizations existed for millennia. Where in the red, white and blue F*@K have we gone wrong? Seriously I'm really getting F*@KIN pissed I've got tears coming out my eyes right now. The human race is just no damn good. Greed, selfishness, inconsideration, glutonny... All these uncanny virtues are represented in regards to politicians and government officials... When, I ask.. WHEN are they going to be satisfied? When we're a third world?

There was a time that lasted for the first 36 1/2 years of my natural born life that I would never be ashamed to say my birthplace is in this great land, on the island of Ground Zero, but now?........................................................excuse me, I have to visit the F word thread..
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includemeout said:
Rude, don't make me laugh , it fogs up my face plate:p
What am I doing you ask?? For starters I spread the info to create awareness for most folks no not of these matters. Also have been fighting in Federal Court for near 20 years about certain matters involving the Dept.of the Interior, BLM, and some of those Big Wigs. It is a long, costly,and near endless battle ,but we that are evolved are slowly winning the fight.

I am involved, have been, and always will be. I won't even go into(specifics) on a public forum, but, maybe sometime we will talk:D

If I could type fast enough I wouldn't have to cut and paste from other sources, instead I would fry the servers with massive band width usage spreading the real truth (with documentation) I have aquired over a 40 year span, Soooooooooooooooooooo Bite Me El Wapo :argh: :argh: :D :D :D ;)

The "bite" me part was gratuitous and unneccesary. We're in this together.


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