and they said it wouldnt happen?

March 31, 2008
Clinton meets with disgruntled truckers
Posted: 04:36 PM ET

Clinton campaigned in Pennsylvania Monday.
HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania (CNN) – Despite the spitting rain and the chilly weather, Hillary Clinton lingered in a parking lot in Pennsylvania Monday before a campaign event to speak to a group of about two dozen truckers who had gathered to protest the effect of rising gas prices on their industry.

Clinton was set to host an afternoon economic roundtable at the Capital Diner here, but when Clinton’s campaign plane landed in Harrisburg, her campaign learned from her advance staff about the small but vocal demonstration being held at the diner.

The New York senator hustled out of her motorcade of SUVs on arriving to chat for several minutes with the truckers, who voiced concerns about fuel costs. As passing big rigs honked, some truckers told Clinton they were being blamed by retailers for the rising costs of trucking, a problem they said was owed to high gas prices.

Clinton listened intently and then spoke about the need for the next president to focus on working families and alternative energies. She also promised to combat price gouging and examine the possibility of regulating oil markets.

Two of the truck drivers, named Mark and J.B., were invited to join her economic roundtable inside the diner, where Clinton praised them for voicing their discontent.

“I want to thank Mark and J.B. because they are doing what Americans do,â€￾ Clinton said, concluding the roundtable. “When you finally get pushed to the end of the rope you have to stand up and say enough. And that’s what this election should be about.â€￾
trucker convoy on I-285 tommorrow

S.Walker Trucking has a load of media coming. The New York Times, Fox, CBS, ABC, NBC and CNN is going to cover it. There is a big rally at the ports in Savannah Monday evening. Some of the container haulers are going to meet our leaders in Dublin G.a at 6:30am Tueday morning April 1st at the Love's Truckstop at exit 49 on I-16. From there they will travel west on I-16 to I-75 North. The guys from my area, Eatonton, Gray G.a are going to meet them at I-75 Exit 201 in Jackson, I-75 and Hwy.36 at 8 am. From there we will head nose to tail North to I-675 and On to I-285 where we will go up the east side, Go around the top and back down the west side back to I-75 south to go home. We are asking that everyone who is going to participate to please wash their trucks and make sure your lights and tires, Mudflaps E.T.C are up to par. We have to be on our UT-MOST BEST BEHAVIOR. Lets show the public that we are civilized, Upstanding drivers instead of the barbarians that we are so often made out to be. Thanks,
stinker im gonna say this and its not meant towards you cause we have talked about this a lot over the last few months, most of these independent truck drivers have trucks that will run in excess of 80 mph. they only get 5 to 6 mpg. we have had and do have some owner operators working for us. they refuse to turn their trucks down. we run our fleet at 59 mph right now and have a fleet average of 7.25 with 70 trucks. most of these guys are running engines that put out over 500 hp and huge amounts of torque. im all for getting fuel prices lower but as long as these guys fly up and down the interstate and idle their trucks in the parking lot while they are inside getting coffee and showering nothing is gonna change. we have one o/o who runs for us with a big pete that spends 1200.00 more in fuel than we do to the west coast and back. do the math. in one month he could make his truck payment in fuel savings. my opinion is if they wont put any effort into saving fuel they deserve what they get. i remember as a little kid riding through georgia in a convoy with my dad who was a owner operator at the time. we went through plains ga cause jimmy was the president at the time. weve always made good money with high fuel prices but we have been working at fuel mileage since the early 80's my pops said he quit trucking for fun a long time ago...
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Stinker said:
Despite the spitting rain and the chilly weather, Hillary Clinton lingered in a parking lot in Pennsylvania Monday before a campaign event to speak to a group of about two dozen truckers who had gathered to protest the effect of rising gas prices on their industry.
Talk about nasty lot lizards! LOL

Seriously though Tony, I hope this does get the governments attention. We are facing energy crisis's on many fronts, and it's time for action not talk by the government. It's not going to go away all by itself.
hey when you have to pay $844.73 to fill your rig and the company your working is given a fuel surcharge and your not seeing it and it takes 90 days to get payed something got to give, trust me i know what its like.
I was talking with someone today and it got real interesting:D

He said he had nothing to do with trucks, and didnt see how it affected him, with the price of deisal, and thought we were stupid for being irate:D

but it seems after I informed him that the trucks deliver the food at the restaraunts, the milk at the store, the feed for his cows, the cloths to the mall, and the supplies to all new building, and the fact that his $30 an hour job was actually decreasing to a $25 an hour job due to the rising of cost of products that he had to buy daily, after that he walked off doing alot of thinking;)
we all could quit for a day and it would hurt. i know most grocery stores dont keep more than 24 hours worth of produce in the wharehouse at any time would make a difference.
eddie102870 said:
we all could quit for a day and it would hurt. i know most grocery stores dont keep more than 24 hours worth of produce in the wharehouse at any time would make a difference.

yeah but you and I both know that will never happen, not until the OOIDA gets really really huge:D
The backbone of America is the Truckers:rock: :rock: , Farmers ,:rock: :rock: Ranchers.:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
Just a little note: Last year this time my fuel costs were around 128,000 for the first quarter. This year as of 4-1-08 We are @ 257,183.52. Big diffs. I know that my great managment skills have not gotten us that much more work. HAHAHAHA. I hope something happens soon.