another MRI


Full Access Member
Jul 19, 2006
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Colorado Springs, CO
Off to Denver this morning to get another MRI on my spine. Hoping to get some answers soon. That is if the VA quits cancelling my Appts for no reason and making me reschedule them. I just hope that they can fix whatever is wrong before I end up in a wheelchair again.
05RamSRTkid said:
Off to Denver this morning to get another MRI on my spine. Hoping to get some answers soon. That is if the VA quits cancelling my Appts for no reason and making me reschedule them. I just hope that they can fix whatever is wrong before I end up in a wheelchair again.

Good luck man, been going through the same crap for the past three years and am going in for exploritory on the 18th. they know what's wrong, want to take a look and see what the best approach is to resolve everything.

So far they have given me two choices, surgery, then 1 month confined to bed rest, then 6 months in a hard neck brace, then 6 months physical therapy. Risk, could end up a Quadaplegic.

Other one is to continue getting injections every 45 days in my neck, forever.

Makes you want to bitch slap the person who ran me into the telephone pole.

Take care and make sure you know what is going on and what the risks are to corrective surgery.
I hear ya man. Its a real pain in the ass. I've already been told ill need another surgery which will make number 3. I've already lost most of the feeling in both my legs and have permanent damage to the nerves and lower spine. As long as I am able to walk though I am ok and meds help me deal with the pain. I think at this point through all my research I know almost as much as my doctors do about my situation. So when I read their reports I can actually understand them and research best and worse case scenarios as well as potential treatment options. Hope everything works out for the best for ya. I just stay positive and keep fighting and just enjoy life as best I can
I hate this for both of you guys, me and Carl have discussed his more than once, and the pain ya'll must be in is jsut unbearable.

I hope both of you come out for the better, both of you are in my prayers that you get better and the pain is released:eek:
Hey Tony, I already told you, I am going to get better. I will be at next year's Panama City GTG. Side's it's time for a Key West run for me and the wife.
ccfeyh said:
Hey Tony, I already told you, I am going to get better. I will be at next year's Panama City GTG. Side's it's time for a Key West run for me and the wife.
:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
Dr. William Caton head neurosurgen at the Huntington Hospital In Pasadena, CA

He opertated on my back about 1 year ago now. Im now 85% pain free and as strong or stronger then I ever was. I really recommend yall look into him.
I hate this for both of you guys, me and Carl have discussed his more than once, and the pain ya'll must be in is jsut unbearable.

I hope both of you come out for the better, both of you are in my prayers that you get better and the pain is released:eek:

Thanks, I hope that I can get treatment as soon as possible. Back in 07 I was told I needed surgery in June and never got it till March of 08 and by that time I was in a wheelchair and unable to work or drive. It was the reason I had to get rid of my SRT. Ill just keep my spirits up and hope that I get better treatment here in Colorado than in Maryland. The MRI went well, even though they only have 1 machine and the receptionist is from the cretaceous period haha. I only wish I could seek outside treatment but Im stuck with the VA docs. Oh well its nice out, time to crack open a beer and fire up the grill later:rock: :rock:
Backs are tough..

The very best of luck and care and pryaers for your good health.... Pain free....

05RamSRTkid said:
Cheers sir, thank you! :rock:
now kid you can just run over here, we does some good knife cuttin, want cost ya but a chicken or two:D

guranteed to hook you up buddy, and afterwards we kin hit the jack daniels and have a BBQ:D
Django said:
Backs are tough..

The very best of luck and care and pryaers for your good health.... Pain free....


Thank you sir and indeed they are. but as long as I can walk I can find ways to mange the pain be it meds therapy or whatever. Pain free would be awesome but until then the best I or anyone can do when dealing with chronic pain is live life to the fullest within the constraints of the pain, the bank account and of course the law :rock:

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