Attention Members


Full Access Member
May 19, 2006
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This is important to many of us. Two of our own, Denise & Jerry need our help. I know these are difficult times for many of us, but any amount of help is something and they need it at this time.

So I'm going to ask anyone that can, please send anything you can so we can help them out as soon as possible. I will accept donations through PayPal and I will send all of it to them. I will even pay the PaPal fees. Anything you can do will help.

This is my PayPal address: [email protected].
Anyone that wants to send a check, pm me and I will send you my address.

Thank you in advance for any help that you can do. This really means a lot to us.

We're about as tapped out as we can be......

But I will try and scrape together whatever I can.........

Love to Jerry and Denise.........

Done deal-not much, but it's the least we could do to reciprocate. Billy, let me know if it went thru.
I too will do what I can...

Much love to Jerry and Denise!!!!

Thank Bill for stepping up!!!
Having been the collector for support before, I know how fast even the small amounts can add up!! So, don't think that $5 won't help, because it will!!!
We have over 7000 members here, if each one gave $1...

You do the math!!!
Bill, PayPal sent, wish we could do more. Jack and Betty

Good luck Denise and Jerry, hope everything works out for you guys.
Can you sum up whats going on with them and who they are for us Noobs?
First off, we both want to thank you all for your help and concerns.

To see people stepping up to help out when most of us are already facing troubled times is truly heart warming. We are both humbled beyond words and I am having a very hard time even trying to say what I mean here. :eek:

As I've mentioned to some, we have never ever been in a situation in our 30 year marriage that has left us this tapped for resourses. We have always been able to "fix" everything that came our way and still help our family and friends when they were in need.

Being without income for so long (2 years now) has taken a toll like I cannot believe. With Jerry being on disability, I am the sole bread winner of our household and that has made it extra tough.

I've have been gearing up through this "down time" by taking college courses (I have finished 16 of the 20 required credits) for my Computer Systems II Certificate. I was also able to successfully complete a real estate brokers course, and even passed my state exam (on the first try) :eek: When the market picks back up, I will be able to put that license to work and who knows, I may be the next Donald Trump :rolleyes:

Over the last 2 years we've sold off most of the things we've "collected" over the years and that's kept us above water, now the "inventory" is just plain getting scarce.

Our son and his wife live with us and have been helping where they can with the bills, in June he had a horrible medical ordeal where he literally died in our home. Fortunately he fell where we heard the commotion and Jerry was able to get to him in time and perform CPR on him and breathe for him until paramedics finally arrived, things haven't been right since. I hope none of you ever have to see your child lying on the floor with no heartbeat or pulse (and for any of you who may have deal with that or worse, my heart goes out to you), it is the most horrible thing a parent can experience. We were lucky enough that Jerry had training and was able to act immediately to save him, but he just hasn't been the same since. He is dealing with a couple other issues, too and not being able to work steady. Any way, that is what basically put a bad financial thing over the edge. Straw that broke the camel's back....

So, back to the topic at hand, thank you all for your help and please know it will not go un-noticed. When we are back on our feet, we will definitely be there to pitch in and help others who run into situations beyond their control.

Thank you and our love goes out to each of you whether you donate a penny or a prayer and as our good friend Django says "may God bless us all"

And Billy, you are the tallest man I know (just don't tell Mikey I said that). You and Mikey as well as many others have always been here for the members of this forum right from the start. This place definitely RAWKS :rock: :rock: :rock: :D

Maybe Tim and Roy could do a grammar and spell check on this post for me :p

Your friends, Denise & Jerry ..................
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I understand Denise...let me see what I can do..wont be a lot but like what was said if all contribute a bit...
Thank you Larry and I hope you like my box :eek: :D
paypal sent. It's only a few bucks but like everyone else, I have 5 digit (and I'm not counting the change part) expenses that I have to pay. Had to cash in an investment to cover it. Good luck Jerry and Denise.

spdrcrj said:
paypal sent. It's only a few bucks but like everyone else, I have 5 digit (and I'm not counting the change part) expenses that I have to pay. Had to cash in an investment to cover it. Good luck Jerry and Denise.

A penny or a prayer, it is all very much appreciated - thank you :rock:
sent ya'll a little somthin', wish it was more. i hope things turn around for ya' real soon!:) FAMILY FIRST!
sent ya'll a little somthin', wish it was more. i hope things turn around for ya' real soon!:) FAMILY FIRST!

God bless you and yours and thank you very much :rock:
Wifey said:
A penny or a prayer, it is all very much appreciated - thank you :rock:

How about both? I said a prayer today that Fay would not damage my home since I'm not there and it's for sale. Looks like he may have heard me. :angel:
  • Stage II Flashed PCM for a '04 RC for sale, $175.00 shipped (see pictures below). I purchased this and never used it because I was lazy.
  • New set of rear EBC green brake pads for an '04 $60.00 shipped. Again, too lazy to install these.
All funds will be directed :deal:straight to the Jerry & Denise nice folks fund.:D And for each item purchased, an extra $25.00 will be donated to said fund on your behalf on top of proceeds.

