August TOTM - Need help from Admins and Supporting Members


Staff member
Supporting Member
May 19, 2006
Reaction score
I know I offered to pay for Clint's (flchub) Star so we could do a special election for Clint and the August TOTM. Folks we are running out of time to get this done (per rules). I will still pay for the star if Patrick will let me.

Please everyone, help me get that Star for Clint so we can at least have the the poll. Pleas read the rules at the bottom to understand how it works. If you would like to vote and your not a supporting member, nows the time

The way it works is I would set the poll up on the 12th, Clint needs 50 yes votes from Supporting Members to be the TOTM Winner.

Thanks you for your time


Non-Contested nominations need to be made before the 12th(you'll have to post your own thread or let me know).
Non-Contested TOTM recipient must be a Supporting Member.
Voting will be for supporting members only (need the star for your vote to count)
Must get 50 supporting member yes votes (no votes work the same way)
Non-Contested TOTM nominee's will not be on the poll if the Non-Contested award is not granted.
Non-Contested winners are not eligible for TOTM and TOTY vendor swag. (Vendors can individually determine if they want to give the swag to a Non-Contested TOTM winner).
Preliminary vote will run from the 12th to the 15th.
The first step is getting Patrick to allow me to pay the 26 bucks to get Clint the star. Need that done before the 12th
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Lets do this. I also offered to buy the big guy his star and also heard nada.
Need to get the ball rolling
I think there are several of us that are willing to pay for the star. How do we get Patrick to approve this?
Ohhhhhhh Partrick........................
just send the $$ then there is no way of say "no" ;)

i agree lets do this....
I think there are several of us that are willing to pay for the star. How do we get Patrick to approve this?
Ohhhhhhh Partrick........................
:dito: :dito: :dito: :dito: :dito: :dito: :dito: Lets do this.
VIPER said:
just send the $$ then there is no way of say "no" ;)

i agree lets do this....

good idea, when I get home, I'll just send the payment to jjphoto in Clints name. I'll know the star is paid for and thats really what counts

I'll let you all know tonight :D
Nice!!!! :rock:
Okay Jeffey. Balls back in your court. What do you need from us?
RedSrt007 said:
I'm in..don't worry about payment, it's on the house.
Your a damn good man.:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: THANKS!!!!!!
I'll put the poll up tonight

Everyone can vote early

Thanks Patrick
Midnight Runner said:
Were is your washer and dryer? go to i'll be florida.:D :D
you only have one sentence there, sunshine....and misspelled, at that:D

the second is not only a run-on, but improperly formatted, with no subject or predicate....

maybe type complete sentences when trying to make a point;)

:D :D :D

p.s. there is dirt on the driver's side undercarriage....
viperhauler said:
you only have one sentence there, sunshine....and misspelled, at that:D

the second is not only a run-on, but improperly formatted, with no subject or predicate....

maybe type complete sentences when trying to make a point;)

:D :D :D

p.s. there is dirt on the driver's side undercarriage....
All clesn.:D :D

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