Been Debating On Sharing This Warning: Sad


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Jun 27, 2008
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Wilmington, NC/Rockwall, TX
Well I have been debating on sharing this but talking and/or writing about it seems to help me cope. I am an animal lover and have three dogs. I have two black labs and a plott hound. My oldest dog, Toby started having seizures 2 weeks ago. When he had the first one (at night) I was home and thought I was witnessing my dog die. After the seizure he was barely breathing. I live about 40 minutes away from a vet emergency room. I picked him up (80 lbs) and put him in the back seat cargo tray of my QC 10. My wife jumped in hysterical and petted him in the back seat. I raced through Wilmington (safely) and made it to the emergency room in 15 minutes (thank you God for giving me a rocket ship for a truck) I carried him out of the truck and into the hospital. They did a battery of tests and found nothing wrong. I was hoping it was a freak thing but in my heart I knew. The next day he had 2 seizures. I took him back to the vet. He stayed there 36 hours and had no seizures. So I had done alot of research and threw his (found out later) shitty food in the trash and all the snacks away. As soon as he got home from the 36 hour hospital stay, he had another seizure. Then 2 more the next day. Then one more. I took him back to the vet and they performed an ultrasound on him to determine if all his internals were fine. They found something in his spleen so we had it tested. It came back fine. The vet said it is either epilepsy or a tumor in his brain. So I bought him some meds for epilepsy but they have strong side effects that alter the pets mood. So I just waited to see what would happen next.

Well he had no seizures for 9 days but he started falling over. He fell over once into my lap (I was laying on the floor petting him) and looked at me as if to say "WTF?" So I decided at that point I would go to any length to find out what was wrong instead of assuming. So I took him to the Iams Imaging Center in Raleigh, NC. Only one of three in the country. There he had an MRI of his brain........Bad news. Devastating news for my wife and I. He has brain cancer. He has a 3cm by 2cm brain tumor which has already spread to one of his lymph nodes. Nothing that can be done. I have been crippled with the pain of knowing this. I just found out it was a cancerous tumor a few minutes ago. My wife doesn't know and now I have to tell her. I feel like I have to tell her one of our kids is dying (no kids for us just dogs). I know he is not a "person" but to us they are part of the family.

Now I am burdened with the choice of when to put him down. How does one know when it is time? He seems to be very happy in between the seizures and has a tremendous amount of energy for a 9 yr old Labrador. I don't want him to suffer yet I don't want to kill him before his time. I just hate knowing that I have to choose when he dies. I just pray God gives me the strength to make the right decision at the right time. Till then, I will walk him often and take him to the beach (he loves the water there the most). I just want his last days, weeks, or months to be happy, carefree and relaxing. He deserves it. And I owe it to him for being such a wonderful part of my family.
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
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Sorry to hear this Frank. Only you can judge his quality of life between seizures and just how many he can stand. It's all part of caring for another life. I've been in your shoes with past pets that I've had. It's never easy. There is nothing I can say that will ease your pain. Only time and remembering the good times will help.
Man hate to hear things like this, I'm going through the same soul searching with my 14 year old Pit Bull. He's a giant baby and a real part of the family, but he's gotten to the stage where he's barely motoring. So, next week, we'll take him to the vet and I'll stay with him as he passes.

I feel for you dude, it's a hard thing to have to do.
Horrible news Frank. Like Dave said only you and your wife can make that decision, you will know when the time is right. I dread having to make this decision for any of my animals. One of my Guinnea Pigs died this morning. We'll keep you and your kids in our prayers.
Frank, awfully sorry to read your words about Toby. As Larry said, nothing we can say will ease the pain, except to know that we understand how difficult it is and how much you love your beloved canine son... Dogs give so much love and companionship... They really can be our best friends....

I know that you'll always do what you think is best for Toby and put yourselves last in consideration for his well being.... Tony deserves the best you can give him and I'm sure you're doing all that you can....

Give Toby a hug and a kiss from Lynette, Willow and me.... and know that our love and prayers are with you all.......

God bless Toby, you and your family....... and may Toby suffer as little as possible......

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thats bad news frank. when its time you will know, trust me. if there is anything i can just let me know.
I feel your pain , I too have a Golden Retriever called Shadow that has seizures, the same sort of thing happened to Him, We have had him on Human seizure medicine for about 5 years, it makes him a little lathargic but he is still with us and has no pain. He is now eleven, We have to monitor his liver because of the drugs. I think we are all blessed to have wonderfull animals. I hope you can find out as much as you can regarding your options for mans best friend.


Hey Frank, I hope this helps. It was in Ann Landers many years ago

Dogs Don't Have Souls Do They?

I remember bringing you home. You were so small and cuddly with your tiny paws and soft fur. You bounced around the room with eyes flashing and ears flopping. Once in a while, you'd let out a yelp, just to let me know this was your territory.

Making a mess of the house and chewing on everything is sight became a passion, and when I scolded you, you just put your head down and looked at me with those innocent eyes, as to say, "I'm sorry, but I'll do it again as soon as you're not watching"

As you got older, you protected me by looking out the window and barking at everyone who walked by. When I had a tough day at work, you would be waiting for me with your tail wagging to say, "Welcome home. I missed you." You never had a bad day, and I could always count on you to be there for me. When I sat down to read the paper and watch TV, you would hop on my lap, looking for attention. You never asked for anything more than to have me pat your head so you could go to sleep with your head over my leg.

As you got older you moved around more slowly. Then, one day, old age finally took its toll, and you couldn't stand on those wobbly legs anymore. I knelt down and patted you lying there, trying to make you young again. You just looked at me as if to say you were old and tired and that after all these years of not asking for anything, you had to ask me for one last favor.

With tears in my eyes, I drove you one last time to the vet. One last time you were lying next to me.

For some strange reason, you were able to stand up in the animal hospital; perhaps it was your sense of pride. As the vet led you away, you stopped for an instant, turned your head and looked at me as if to say, "Thank you for taking care of me."

I thought "No, thanks you for taking care of me."
Man this wound is still too fresh for me... I lost best friend of 15 years on july 18 of 08....I also went thru the very similar situatuion,, Just typing this is making me want to cry all over .
About one year before he passed he also had a horrific seizure. I rushed him to the hospital and was already thinking about the horrible feeling that this will be it or that I will just have to let him go. I went thru the debate in my head about wether I should put him to sleep or not. God ended up letting him live and recovered almost 100% by the 3rd day. I took him home and gave him special care as I knew he was on borrowed time. I let him eat anything he wanted. I cooked him up steak 1once a week and when I was in the garage drinking he would get one too. (pacifco was his favorite) All this time I wondered how will I know when its his time? Well My friend I cant explain it any better then to say when the time comes you will know. When I awoke on july 18, I went out side as I normally did but to my surprise he didnt come greet me like he normally does.. Im sorry I cant type anymore.

I wish you the best and hope you get thru this
sorry about your pup.Putting them down is never easy.I had buck for almost 15 years ( yellow lab).Put him down last june.Still miss the guy.We have adopted a dog from humane society to help but I will never forget my buddy.hardest thing I have ever had to do.Dont let him suffer and if you can bury him close so you can remember your buddy forever.
so sorry

I know I have been there lost my dog Dusty we did every thing we could icu blood trainfuz what every it took but god took him he meant so much to me.
Thanks everyone for your kind words. It makes me feel better knowing that "you" will know when it is time. He has had a very good life (at least I think so) and I am selfishly don't want it to end. I guess the most difficult part is knowing that I have to make the decision. I just keep reminding myself not to be sad because he got a second chance that we gave him 6 years ago.

Toby was found by a friend wandering in the streets of her neighborhood. He was deathly skiny and had advanced heartworms. We spent lot of $$$$ to get him treatment and nursed him back to health. He was extremely scared of the dark too. Slowly we got him over that too. I am just trying to remind myself that without us he would have never lived this long and experienced so much. I just wish I could take comfort in that. At least I get to spend all day everyday with him now (Been without work since Nov. 08)

FerrariTruck. I think I know what you mean. It is weird how a man can get so attached to a dog, that even the thought of his passing makes you emotional.

Thanks again VTCOA family. I really appreciate the support.
Thanks Todd that is very nice. I think when the day comes I will have him cremated. Might seem dumb but I thought it might be nice to spread his ashes in the sea, where he loves to spend most of his time swimming and retrieving tennis balls.
this is one of those moments when i can almost say...i know how you feel...

i will agree...they will let you know when it's the last run. mom's golden, whom we ALL have grown up with (as i live 5 mins. from my folks) just turned 14...she walked with mom several miles literally each day. i remember the day we got her...still a puppy...rescued her as well...and just this past week, we had to put her to rest. she seemed never to "act" like she had any problems, but had developed a few tumors...and most recently her hips may have been having goes on a walk as she normally did, but cindy just sits at the end of the driveway when mom, the neighbor, and her beagle continue on...not really thinking much about it, as she sometimes walks the first mile w/o cindy on her leash...but as they start to round the first curve, she wasn't they call her for a few minutes, and she just stares at them both...finally mosied her way over to goes ahead and puts the leash on her, walks about 10 steps, and cindy grabs the leash with her mouth (which she has NEVER done) and mom said literally almost jerked the leash out of her if to's been a great run, but this is as far as i mom obviously turned around....we put her down and she's buried beside the barn...where someone can always see her...

peace be with you during this time...and remember the good times...
I am feeling your pain my friend. I miss my dogs everyday I see them on the screensaver and remember the good times. Time heals all wounds and in time your dog will bring you tears of joy again.

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