Car shopping (which car)


Full Access Member
Oct 11, 2006
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Simi Valley
ok so here's the dealio

1: last year I help my daughter buy a car... 2007 mini cooper S
2: she since moved out gave me the keys and said it's all urs and bought a new car.
3: new car financing fell through
4: she now wants her mini back
5: keep in mind the car is in both our names and financing is in my name only

(that's the gist of it anyway)
so here are my options
1: give her the car and hope she doesn't stick it to me again (but then I've got to deal with having insurance) which I'd prefer not too... she's been in 2 accidents
2: go trade the car in and buy something else getting my name off the title/financing (this may be difficut but sure would put my mind at ease)
3: just keep the car for myself... well as fun as it is to drive i prefer the M or the trucks over it.... ( i dunno maybe that makes me a car snob:p )

with that said she wants her payments @ 150... her car is upside down for eeeeh 7-8K?? way I figure it... she can buy a 11,000 car


I'm thinking 82 buick regal... maroon... with curb feelers...:D
That was pretty rude of your daughter to just hand the car back to you AFTER you gave it to her (or bought for her).

Sounds like she needs a lesson in life aka responsibility.

Sell/trade the car or keep it for yourself. Make her buy her own damn car and insurance. Put your mind at ease. You already tried to help her, but she seemed unappriciative. :eek:

Good luck!
This question is more about your relationship with your daughter as it relates to finances. Do you feel you have an obligation to help her? If not, then keep it. It is unlikely (never gonna happen) that the original lender will let you off the hook.
1: she's a stepdaughter... prolly why she didn't mind hosin me
2: it's got payment of 413 a month + insurance... I'd prefer not to keep it for that
3: I'll never do a voluntary repo... I like my credit score the way it is :D

the real question is if I don't help her get another car.. and wrap this one into the loan... I'm going to eat it....

so, with that in mind, what should I buy in that 11K price range?? lol 11k.... hell I could put a ROE and a tranny on my NR for 11K :eek:

PS... THANKS 4 the input guys!!!.... :>
I think she needs to be held accountable for pay-off amount as if she bought it on her own. I'm not sure I would "help" again - not after gettin' "hosed".

To answer your question . . $11k will get her a nice Accord/Eclipse/Celica etc. Any typical chick car.

On another token - What's owed on the Mini? Maybe let her fork out the $150 a month + insurance and you "help" make up the difference. Sounds like you're gonna be buying something for her anyways aka money out of your pocket . . .
i went through the same thing and got hosed the second time around for my step daughter ,,seems it was way to easy for her to dump it back on you ,
i would get her a bike and say see ya ,,you could also call the lender and ask if you could short sell it then make her pay for the upside down part ,,that is what i did and it saved my creidit report ,,,of coarse now i am the big A$$ hole for doing it to her ,,,but it was ok for her to dump it on me twice and walk away ,,i told her if she payed off the left over amount i might help her get another after that but i had no plans to do it,,plus her real dad is worthless and wont help her but to her he is such a great guy even though he has not had a job in 2 years and now lives in a travel trailer in his moms back yard,now you can see were she gets her drive from lol,,kids these days think you owe them something just because they grace you with their presents lol

stand strong dont give in ,,,if you help them once and they burn you THEY WILL do it again :toilet:
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id make her pay off the original car or no car at all .. sell it and eat a couple k.. thats way it will be cheeper in the long run.. sounds like shes a lil arogent to me.... daddys been way to nice lol.. time to toughin up... bro..
Why did she not want the car and what made her decide to get a new, well at least try to get a new one? Depending on the circumstances, I would give her the car back and make her pay her own way for insurance -- with her own policy. Can she afford the mini plus insurance on her own?
Roz-SRT said:
I think she needs to be held accountable for pay-off amount as if she bought it on her own. I'm not sure I would "help" again - not after gettin' "hosed".

To answer your question . . $11k will get her a nice Accord/Eclipse/Celica etc. Any typical chick car.

On another token - What's owed on the Mini? Maybe let her fork out the $150 a month + insurance and you "help" make up the difference. Sounds like you're gonna be buying something for her anyways aka money out of your pocket . . .
I like this idea, but I would make her pay 200 just to make it uncomfortable. I would also note that the car would not be hers until she paid for it in full (making up the difference that you paid over the years).

My god why did I not have parents like you... I had an old beater Ford Grenada for my car!
...that's just sad. You should sell the car and make her pay what she owes. My parents laughed at me when I ask them to co-sign on a car for me, and I have never been in real touble and I had a 4.0 gpa and a full time job. You got taken advantage of, I have seen it way to many time with my friends. She wont learn and you will be back in the same place you are now if you get her another car, whats stopping her?
Honestly Bandit,

I would never do that to my step pappy... I honestly don't have a solution other then there should be a lesson learned here on how to respect other people, not just you.

1: she's not on the financing currently and I doubt she'd qualify for the rate
2: she bought the other car because she said (the mini) was too expensive... the payments are 410... her other car was like 360
3: although she's willing to pay for her insurance <and always had paid for it> the car is in my name... and while her insurance would cover the vehicle... her limits are low

I'd like to let her take the car back.... 2 probs with it:
1: I could be liable for insurance
2: I don't wanna be responsible for the financing anymore(which I am now)

I wouldn't be so pissed if I didn't drop 5K down on the car to get her outa the POS her mom helped her buy..... that's a whole DIFFERENT story :p

in hinesight, I shoulda never helped in the firstplace and let her drive her old car around.... even though it was a complete pos.. :(
My Daughter did the same thing to me, I sold it, took the loss and now she is on her own.

anyone wanna buy an 07 mini cooper S astro black 6 spd with a sunroof? :D LOL....
you know what the old saying is ,it is great to bring the baby home and after they grow up its great to get them out of the house:elefant:
stinkers has had two of them and got good money back on them. if it had been two weeks earlier my poops just bought a convertable cooper s. gave 31k for it.
eddie102870 said:
stinkers has had two of them and got good money back on them. if it had been two weeks earlier my poops just bought a convertable cooper s. gave 31k for it.

POOPS ???????:p :p

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