Carbon Fiber Hood

Yes sir I can't say this is true of all their hoods but I've purchased at least 5 of their hoods for various vehicles and this was true of all of them!!
Yeah we wanted to do something different with em...we did my BMW, as well as a friends BMW and my lil bro's Galant at the time with 3 different patterns it went over quite well in the show scene in 03' when we first did em!! I've seen tons of guys copy the effect since and it always looks cool. It's as simple as getting a vinyl sign shop to measure up and throw the design in their computer. Then simple mask it off, paint and your ready to roll!!! :burnout:
mauiSRT/10 said:
Very cool pics Craig! Love that paint/CF combo.

I think Mike's a liking this idea!!! LOL That combo would look awesome on a silver truck!!!

Has anyone checked out in person a carbon fibre hood for our trucks?

Supercharged her Patrick.....

mauiSRT/10 said:
That is really cool. Did you add a turbo or SC to it? She must have been really fast.........certainly looks fast!!! LOL Very cool car.

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Begood said:
Has anyone checked out in person a carbon fibre hood for our trucks?


I have E-mailed the Company and asked if I can come by and see the response yet....:dontknow:
I had a deal with ground dynamics to pick one up (VIS)today but they upped the price on me 50% so I cancelled the order.

If you like the hood see about a quantity price, and local pick-up? Check out the grill bracket anckors. There are alot of fasteners on that hood.
Hey guys. I have a little input on this one. I too had a BMW with a CF hood. Mine WAS CF top and bottom. Forget the brand, but they made a lot of different hoods. Most likely they have one for our trucks. I need to go pick up a BMW magazine and find the same ad I called. Just as Craig said, the fit was decent, but not great. Gaps were way more than factory at the sides. Wasn't horribly noticable on a black car, but look out if you have a light color. The only thing Craig said that I disagree with is the hood pin issue. You will absolutely HAVE to install hood pins or dzus fasteners of some sort for this hood on our trucks. They work fine on a BMW with no hood pins for one reason...the Beamers have TWO, count 'em...two hood latches. The CF hoods are soooo flexible I would definitely recommend hood pins or dzus fasteners. If you are not cool with that, then you should not put a CF hood on your truck. Period.

hood hold down

Using the grill/bracket hardware is a solution for the needed security, however, the hood pins/locks/dzus setup might look cool too.

There are solutions for this, just need an acceptable product at an affordable price. I'm still pursuing it, really dissappointed with my deal falling through.
droptail said:
I had a deal with ground dynamics to pick one up (VIS)today but they upped the price on me 50% so I cancelled the order.

If you like the hood see about a quantity price, and local pick-up? Check out the grill bracket anckors. There are alot of fasteners on that hood.

Oh thats just BS!!! So lame when compaines do that sh#t.

Craig, great shot under the hood there!!!:rock:


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