Silent D said:
'cept maybe the Hulkster.....maybe....


I met the Hulkster several years ago through a business associate. He came up to me and introduced himself to me! (I never approach celebrities dont want to bother and usually dont care to meet them) I thought he was cool. His show is hilarious. He seems to be a good caring father.

Let us not forget the the bodybuilder Craig Titus. In case you dont know him, he was a competitive body builder whom was ranked in the top 20 for the last 5 or so years. Well he alledgedly murdered his personal assistant and sold the srt10 after the murder because it was too visable!!! Another wonderful celebrity srt10 owner!!:puke:

Silverback said:
Okay, I give up. Who the hell is it?:confused: :dontknow:
Thanks Silverback....I think lots of us were in the dark...some of us just don't get out as much anymore...
Yea, Marc T passed the word to me...he lives in Ponte Vedra (TPC Sawgrass) and I have some contacts at the Tournament Players Office (I was a charter member of TPC Sawgrass back in another life...as soon as we have a GTG that we can have several trucks attend, I'll see if I can get him more involved with us.
Hell i bet my pink slip to my truck, that 80 precent of Nascar and Busch drivers own SRT-10 RAMS.

Look at it like this. 14,000 of these trucks made ? rougly only 3 thousand members on this board rougly? where the hell is ever one else at lol... not to mention were are they buying there upgrades from ?

boomer are you selling parts to celebrity's ? ah hell hes not going to say :D
I think I did too (at first),but after re-reading the first post I think it is a picture of Britney Spears husband,Kevin Federline.:dontknow:
HOT RAM said:
I think I did too (at first),but after re-reading the first post I think it is a picture of Britney Spears husband,Kevin Federline.:dontknow:

We had a picture in the past of that dickweed. I was under the impression that this was someone else. Starting to look to me that no one knows who the fuck they are bashing.
Gary Scelzi drives an SRT-10! If it's good enough for a guy who drives 330 mph for a living it's good enough for me.

I quit watching the late night talk shows because, one, no one comes close to Johnny Carson and, two, I don't know 99% of the guests they have on and really don't care.